37 pages • 1 hour read
“I will have been in the Marine Corps ten months as of August.”
Downey has been in the Marine Corps for only 10 months, but his entire worldview is now oriented around the military. As a lost, disengaged young man, he had nothing to give his life purpose. After less than a year of the Marines’ training, he has discipline and direction. This renewed purpose in his life is so important that he’s willing to kill a man to carry out his orders. That Downey is so invested in the Marines after such a brief time demonstrates his commitment to its code of honor and explains why he refuses to question any order he’s given.
“And you’re a woman.”
Galloway is relentlessly professional. She tries harder than anyone else in the play to ensure that the investigation and court proceedings follow the exact requirements of the law and enforce the legal system in the fairest, most judicial way possible. Despite her professionalism, however, the organization never allows her to forget that she’s a woman. As the only character in the play who receives constant reminders of her gender, Galloway feels that she must overcompensate for being a woman in a male-dominated world.
“They’re clowns. That is why, so help me God, they’re the only ones who can save you right now.”
Markinson begins to hint at the guilt he feels for his involvement in Santiago’s death. The way he talks to Downey and Dawson suggests that he understands their commitment to the Marines. He knows that they can’t trust the lawyers from Washington, as he still considers himself separate to them. However, he implores Downey and Dawson to listen to Kaffee and the other lawyers. He admits that a world beyond the Marines exists and may be vital to preserving justice. Markinson is willing to sacrifice a portion of his loyalty to the Marines for the sake of justice.
“No, I just didn’t really care enough about this meeting to be on time.”
Kaffee’s unprofessionalism contrasts with Galloway’s total commitment to her work. While Galloway feels that she must overcompensate to succeed in a male-dominated world, Kaffee barely needs to try. He’s late to meetings and always searches for the easiest possible resolution to his case. Because Kaffee is struggling to step out of the shadow of his father’s reputation, he’s chosen to disengage from his work and do the bare minimum to get by. Kaffee’s unengaged personality reveals more about Galloway’s struggles: While he can cruise by on his reputation and charm, she must work harder than anyone else to achieve half as much.
“A big wall separating the good guys from the bad guys.”
The military divides the world into a simple dichotomy. Everything is either good or bad, meaning that everyone is either on the good side of the wall or the bad side. Though Weinburg is being sarcastic when he delivers this line, Jessup echoes this worldview with total sincerity. Jessup and his Marines think that they’re protecting constantly protecting the US from the evil, malicious forces that lurk on the other side of the wall. To Jessup, this worldview justifies everything he does. He may occasionally act in an immoral fashion, but he does so for a moral cause. Weinburg’s throwaway joke reveals the difference between the people in Washington and the people in Cuba: For the lawyers, such a worldview is a joke; for the Marines, it is a way of life.
One of the few compliments that Jessup issues during the play praises the sheer physical exertion of the Marines. He’s unimpressed by Kaffee’s lawyerly smarts or Markinson’s commitment to morality, but he appreciates the Marines who are willing to run their bodies into the ground in the name of defending the US. To him, this sacrifice is the most commendable behavior possible. Those who are unwilling to make such a sacrifice—such as Santiago or Kaffee—are despicable. Jessup’s careful compliment reveals the inner ideology that motivates his behavior.
“Willy died, ma’am.”
Downey isn’t an intelligent man, but the way he describes Santiago’s death reveals his real view of the case. Downey doesn’t think that he killed Santiago, even though Santiago died as a direct consequence of Downey’s actions. To Downey, Santiago’s death was an accident and an unfortunate byproduct of an order that a superior issued. Downey doesn’t blame himself because he was carrying out the order exactly as his superior told him. Downey frames himself as a passive, obedient Marine in a tragic situation rather than as an active and aware murderer.
“I may be picking the wrong time to ask you this but are you seeing anyone right now?”
Kaffee struggles to deal with criticism. He deflects a stinging comment from Galloway—about his treading water in his position and avoiding actual work—by making a joke to avoid thinking about it. He knows that she’s right about him; however, he would rather not discuss this awkward truth as it would undermine his self-confidence. Kaffee’s use of humor in a sincere moment illustrates his refusal to engage with the world. He would rather joke than try hard, as he doesn’t want to run the risk of failure. To Kaffee, jokes and disinterest are a way to avoid the palpable possibility of failure.
“And this brief mediation has brought me around to the thinking that your suggestion of transferring Private Santiago, while expeditious, and certainly painless, might not be, in a manner of speaking, the American way.”
Jessup is a swaggering bully who uses his warped patriotism to justify his behavior. As the man in charge of the Guantanamo Bay base, Jessup thinks that he must do whatever it takes to maintain the highest possible standards for his Marines. To him, this is “the American way” (28). The definition of this concept is so nebulous and vague that Jessup can use it to justify anything. Jessup views himself as a patriot and thinks that this justifies all his behavior. He’s internalized his own definition of patriotism to such an extent that he doesn’t think that anything he does is wrong. The American way is just Jessup’s way, dressed up in patriotism to appeal to his own ego.
“Sir, a Code Red is a disciplinary engagement.”
Dawson describes a Code Red to Kaffee and the lawyers in such a way that he makes an unofficial action sound official. Dawson describes the Code Red as a “disciplinary engagement” (29), using military jargon to add gravitas to what is, in fact, a savage and illegal beating. Dawson’s use of military-style language to describe the Code Red suggests that the practice has become institutionalized in the Marines—and that Dawson needs this to be the case. If a Code Red is a “disciplinary engagement” (29), then he isn’t a murderer; instead, he’s just a man who was carrying out a normal military practice that happened to end tragically.
“Private Santiago of Delta squad has laid waste our priorities and made wretched our code.”
The tone of Kendrick’s comment reveals the way in which he mixes the Bible and the Marine code of conduct to create a mishmash of ideology. Kendrick is equally dedicated to his religion and the Marines, so he describes Santiago’s transgressions with the phrasing and cadence of scripture. The syntax of phrases such as “made wretched our code” (36), which seems archaic and out of place in a modern military context, make sense in a religious style rhetoric. Kendrick delivers, in essence, a death sentence to Santiago with the gravitas and delivery of a fervent believer. To him, the Marines is a religious experience.
“There is nothing sexier on heaven and earth than a woman you have to salute in the morning.”
Jessup uses sexism to dismiss both Galloway and Kaffee. The intent of his comment is to ratify the patriarchal system which ensures that Galloway never receives an equal amount of respect; Jessup doesn’t talk this way about any male character in the play. He uses this approach to remind Galloway of her place in the male-dominated institution. At the same time, he intends the comment’s inherent sexism to diminish Kaffee. Jessup is teasing Kaffee for being having a lower rank than a woman, which Jessup considers to be absurd.
“Get your house in order.”
Kendrick’s comment to Dawson is a call to arms. The comment places the burden of responsibility for Santiago’s struggles on Dawson. By putting Dawson in such a position, Kendrick can manipulate him through guilt and shame. He makes Dawson feel ashamed of himself as a leader, prompting him to carry out the forbidden and morally questionable practice of the Code Red. By shaming him in this way, Kendrick ensures that Dawson strives to impress his commanders rather than question any of their orders.
“Were daddy’s expectations really that high?”
Galloway is a model professional for most of the play, but she can deliver a stinging comment to Kaffee when she needs to. She questions his struggles to measure up to his father’s massive reputation, attacking Kaffee’s pride at a moment when he doubts whether he can continue. Galloway’s comment isn’t a random attack. She uses her carefully calculated insult to get what she wants. By attacking Kaffee’s pride, she makes sure that he continues with the case. Galloway is a tactical, measured person even when exchanging insults.
“They wouldn’t let me fly the planes or drive the boats.”
Galloway’s motivation is to prove everyone wrong and to upend the unfair gender balance in society. Sexism prevents her from piloting planes or boats, so her only real avenues for success in the military are bureaucratic. Galloway throws herself completely into her role as a lawyer, exceeding the expectations placed upon her. She’s determined to succeed despite the institutional sexism that limits her career path. Galloway views her success as indicting a society and an institution that artificially and unfairly limits her.
“I guess I just followed the crowd at chow time, sir.”
In the courtroom, Howard’s testimony reveals the unwritten rules that govern the Marines. Kaffee successfully argues that the Code Red, like the food hall, exists even though it isn’t part of any official documentation. Howard’s comment delves deeper into this comparison, however. He “followed the crowd” (79) when he wanted to eat, but he followed the same crowd when carrying out Code Reds. Though the practice is illegal, Code Reds continue because individual Marines do not question the practice. Instead, they all simply follow the crowd. As well as showing the court that Code Reds exist in the Marines, the responses that Kaffee elicits illustrate why so many Marines take part in the illegal practice.
“I have two books at my bedside, Lieutenant. The Marine Code of Conduct, and the King James Bible.”
Kendrick expresses his religious devotion to the Marines through his reading material. In court, he proudly declares that the only two books he keeps beside his bed are the Bible and the Marine code of conduct. These two texts shape his view of the world, revealing his religious devotion to the Marines. At the same time, the pride with which Kendrick tells this to the court illustrates his lack of shame. Like Jessup, Kendrick views his behavior as entirely justified. He thinks that his actions as a Marine have an almost divine blessing. Kendrick doesn’t think that he acted immorally because he views his actions as condoned by both God and the Marine code of conduct. Instead, he’s proud of his faith and his dedication to both causes.
“Don’t look at him, look at me.”
Downey struggles to assert himself in court. When he reaches a difficult moment, he turns to Dawson for support. Ross instructs Downey not to do so, but Downey can’t help himself. As Downey’s sergeant, Dawson is his moral compass, guiding Downey through life, giving him purpose, and helping him accept the Marines’ code of honor as a defining part of his life. Without this code and without Dawson to interpret it for him, Downey feels lost. He doesn’t look to Dawson because he wants to corroborate their stories; Downey turns to Dawson because he needs Dawson to help interpret and explain the world for him through the lens of the Marines’ code of honor.
“What’re we gonna do when we get back? Polish up for a sneak attack.”
As the events in the courtroom become increasingly precarious and important, they thematically echo the Marines’ marching chants. The Marines chant about how they’ll return to their barracks to prepare for a sneak attack rather than relax. This sneak attack has two correlations. Firstly, Ross’s questioning forces Downey to admit that the order for the Code Red came from Dawson rather than Kendrick or Jessup. The question was unexpected and endangers the two men’s entire defense. In addition, the possibility of a sneak attack foreshadows the way Kaffee forces a confession from Jessup. The Marines’ songs comment on and forewarn about events that happen in the play.
“And he died young. And he died tired.”
Kaffee’s father was a famous lawyer who campaigned for moral causes. Kaffee struggles to measure up to his father’s reputation, but when he reflects on what his father achieved, he struggles to justify his father’s approach to life. His father died young and exhausted, paying the price for a life dedicated to others. He didn’t even see his son graduate law school. After reflecting on the nature of his father’s death, Kaffee wonders whether morality is justifiable if it produces no reward.
“He thinks he was right.”
Jessup presents himself as an indomitable figure, but his arrogance is his weakness. Kaffee recognizes that Jessup is so arrogant that he can’t see the immorality of his actions. To Jessup, the nature of his existence justifies him in every potentially immoral action or decision. Jessup looks down on people who aren’t on the frontline of the world’s most dangerous places and thinks that they have no right to criticize him. This arrogance is so strong that Jessup is desperate to snarl at the world that he thinks fails to give him enough credit. However, Kaffee’s skill as a lawyer enables him to recognize and exploit Jessup’s arrogance to win the case.
“I want the man to address me as Colonel or Sir. I believe I’ve earned it.”
As Kaffee asserts his control in the courtroom, Jessup reaches for stability. He rankles at Kaffee’s display of apparent insubordination and doesn’t appreciate that he can’t leave the court without being dismissed by a junior officer like Kaffee. To reassert control of the situation, Jessup reaches for something familiar and stable. He demands that the court address him by his rank, thinking that doing so will remind the court of his importance and his accomplishments. Rather than asserting control, however, Jessup shows his weakness, becoming emotional and losing control just as Kaffee wants. Jessup’s need for stability illustrates how unstable he’s become.
“You can’t handle the truth!”
Jessup’s view of the truth is that it’s a dangerous and fearsome reality. He thinks that most people would rather ignore the truth and continue to live comfortable lives than acknowledge the brutal reality that men like him experience. He categorizes Kaffee as one such person, suggesting that Kaffee can’t handle the idea that immoral actions such as Code Reds are a necessary evil in a dangerous world. Jessup casts himself as the guardian of this terrifying truth and dismisses the court as a blind and scared institution that can’t tolerate the necessities that he thinks his position entails.
“You’re goddam right I did.”
Jessup finally confesses that he issued the order for the Code Red. Kaffee has baited him into this confession, but Jessup relishes the reveal. As someone who views Santiago’s death as a necessary sacrifice for the benefit of the Marines as a whole, he’s not sorry or contrite about his role in a man’s death. Jessup finally takes credit for the way he protects the world even if others find his actions abhorrent. Their disgust satisfies him, as he thinks that he’s the only person willing to make the sacrifices necessary to defend America. Jessup isn’t confessing to his role in Santiago’s death. Instead, he’s proudly declaring what he considers patriotism.
“Lift your head and lift it high…Daniel Kaffee’s passin’ by.”
Kaffee’s final line in the play suggests that he’s proud of himself. He encourages himself and others to lift their heads and take in his success. After a career of seeking the easiest possible solution and the least amount of work, Kaffee finally has the kind of result that would make his father proud. The possibility of failing to live up to his father’s success once terrified Kaffee; however, his victory in this case suggests that he can be a good lawyer in his own right. The victory allows him to banish his anxieties about his father and embrace a career as an engaged lawyer working on moral causes.
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