79 pages • 2 hours read
Gay notes the religiosity with which Nebraskans regard Cornhusker football and how this religiosity helps excuse athletes from drug and alcohol infractions and rape allegations. She notes that Nebraska is not unique in this regard and that college and professional athletes throughout the US are forgiven for criminal behavior simply because of their athleticism and contributions to athletic programs and industries.
Gay acknowledges the difficulty she has giving the accused in high-profile cases the benefit of the doubt, specifically with regard to Jerry Sandusky and the allegations of child sexual molestation. In his interview with Bob Costa’s on Rock Center, Sandusky sounds to Gay like a guilty and broken man. She admits that in cases of rape and sexual abuse, she almost always gives victims the benefit of the doubt, and she doesn’t know how to be impartial. She points out the “constellation of broken men” surrounding Sandusky (158), including the defense team that used victim-blaming as a primary strategy.
Gay hopes that there may be some justice for the victims, but she questions how much there can be when the damage has already been done. She also knows that after the trial, the football program will continue on as usual. Mentioning the story of a Texas father who killed a man who was sexually abusing his daughter and emphasizing the way that the father has been lauded as a hero, Gay concludes that women often become broken too and that a spectacle is made of all the brokenness.
The surrender of privacy and lack of respect for people’s boundaries seem mundane in the Information Age, but people forget that public figures are also humans, demanding the intimate details of public figures’ lives. There is also an intrinsic connection between privacy and privilege, with heterosexual privacy taken for granted. Gay notes that in recent years, LGBTQ+ celebrities like Anderson Cooper have tried to preempt the invasion of their privacy by coming out.
There were a variety of responses to Cooper’s disclosure, but Gay emphasizes the responses that hold public figures to a greater obligation to come out. This indicates a failure to consider why public figures may have been “withholding” information in the first place. At the same time, Gay acknowledges that it is culturally significant when a celebrity comes out because anti-gay bias exists in both society and law—e.g., the bullying that LGBTQ+ youth face in schools, high suicide rates among LGBTQ+ youth, states where gay couples can’t adopt children, and instances of hate crimes against LGBTQ+ people. One prominent example of the discrimination that LGBTQ+ people face is Sally Ride’s widow being unable to receive the federal benefits given to a surviving spouse.
Even insofar as society accepts LGBTQ+ people, it only encourages people who fit certain standards to come out, ignoring others. While Cooper exemplifies the “right kind of gay” and someone whose privileges exempt him from the worst ostracism (166), Frank Ocean represents someone with a lower profile and more to lose by disclosing his sexuality. Ocean came out publicly in 2012, which was particularly significant because he is a “part of the notoriously homophobic R&B and hip-hop community” (167). While Gay acknowledges that many celebrities and fans supported Ocean, she also questions what it means for Ocean’s friend and collaborator, Tyler the Creator, to unapologetically use anti-gay slurs in his music.
Despite the complex cultural climate and the need for mainstream representations of marginalized groups, Gay finds it unreasonable to place the burden of openness and visibility on public figures. Instead, she advocates that members of the ordinary public ask themselves what sacrifices and stands they are willing to make for the greater good.
Gay cites Meg Wolitzer’s New York Times book review highlighting the disparity in the consideration that men and women writers receive. Gay considers it shameful that talented writers have to devote so much time to this issue, and she finds the discourse repetitive. The solution for Gay is simple: The literary world needs to publish more women writers, including actively seeking them out. Intent and effort are all that is necessary to fix the issue.
Gay discusses the problem with the term “women’s fiction,” noting how it is vague and almost derogatory, generalizing the work of women writers and implying that they don’t tackle broad questions, themes, and societal issues. She notes that prominent male writers like John Updike, Richard Yates, and James Salter write about subjects that, if explored by women, would fall under the “women’s fiction” category. Gay posits that there are more similarities between the writing of men and women than there are differences, and she questions why male authorship and readership is the standard by which literary merit is measured.
Reiterating the misogyny behind the “women’s fiction” designation, Gay asserts that she knows the content of her work and that arbitrary designations won’t change that. The responsibility to fix this issue is on male readers, not female writers. While the conversation about misogyny in the literary world is ongoing, Gay wants everyone to remember that the joy of reading is what matters, and she is hopeful that change will come.
Gay recalls a childhood classmate who was ostracized after a joke he made crossed the line. This recollection makes her think about inappropriate humor and how she’s often not proud of the jokes that make her laugh. She admires comedians whose inappropriate humor is delivered skillfully, like Patrice O’Neal, but she finds Daniel Tosh’s comedy unbearable, primarily because of his unapologetic misogyny.
She points out an incident where Tosh made a rape joke, and when a female audience member objected, he followed up with a gang rape joke. Gay concedes that humor is subjective, but she questions how people can find rape jokes funny. She points out the sense of entitlement many comedians feel—the idea that they have the courage to say what others are supposedly afraid of voicing—which she thinks speaks to a misunderstanding of the First Amendment that conflates freedom of speech with speaking without consequence. She also points out the audience’s role, noting that their silence on inappropriate rape jokes indicates tacit acceptance of pervasive sexual violence. What disturbs her the most about the Tosh incident is that only one audience member had the courage to challenge Tosh’s joke, while others sat by idly and even laughed.
Gay hopes that these “young ladies” are joking about their willingness to endure Chris Brown’s violence in exchange for his attention, but she fears that they are serious and points out that they are sacrificing their dignity. She understands their attraction to Chris Brown, but the acceptance of abuse would not be an even exchange. Where the BDSM community requires consent, in the case of domestic violence, there is no control over the situation. Gay points out that the details of the police report from the Chris Brown case indicate that it was not an isolated event.
Gay apologizes to young women for a larger cultural failing: the pervasive messaging that abuse would be a reasonable trade for a celebrity’s attention. As evidence, she notes that Brown went on to perform at the Grammys twice and win Best R&B Album after his violence came to light. She mentions other celebrities, like Charlie Sheen, Roman Polanski, and Sean Penn, whose abusive behavior and freedom from consequences demonstrate the extent to which culture has failed young women. Gay notes that she too has succumbed to celebrity charm in the face of abusive behavior in the form of comedian Richard Pryor.
Gay argues that Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” espouses that women really mean “yes” when they say “no.” While critics have been vocal about the song’s undertones of sexual violence, Thicke was unapologetic and doubled down on his bad-boy persona with the release of “Give It 2 U.” Gay admits that she likes both songs, but the enjoyment comes at the price of disregarding her own humanity. Respect for artistic brilliance versus acknowledgment of artists’ bad behavior is a difficult choice that people often face.
Thicke and other examples in the essay point to how much culture caters to men, giving them what they want at the price of women’s safety. The consistent messaging is that women exist only to satisfy men’s needs and whims. However, misogyny in pop culture doesn’t exist in a vacuum but is part of a broader spectrum that includes everyday disrespect for women’s autonomy as well as national legislation. Gay puts forth the idea of “trickle-down” misogyny, meaning that national legislation makes casual and pop culture misogyny possible, but she also questions whether misogynistic law or misogynistic pop culture came first.
Gay discusses a New York Times article wondering whether support for abortion would grow if more women shared their stories. Gay questions what effect women sharing their stories would have, noting that the responsibility of dealing with oppression should not be placed on the marginalized in the first place. In short, women sharing their stories would become an emotional spectacle, even as those entrenched in their misogynist belief systems remained unmoved. The “blurred lines” are people’s embeddedness in a cultural sickness so pervasive that many cannot help but consume works that reinforce the sickness.
Gay enjoys fairy tales despite her cynicism; she believes there are, or should be, happy endings for everyone. However, she also takes issue with fairy tales that demand extreme sacrifice and compromise from women to achieve the happy ending of finding Prince Charming. She provides examples from Disney films and the Twilight series, noting Edward’s obsessive behavior and Bella’s sacrifices for him, before going on to the main subject of analysis: the Fifty Shades series by E. L. James.
Gay provides a brief plot description, emphasizing Christian Grey’s interest in BDSM and Ana’s desire for a “normal” relationship. She discusses the media frenzy about the popularity of the series, noting that most of this frenzy revolves around the erotic elements. While she understands the series’ appeal, especially because female pleasure is a dominant theme, she argues that a deeper look at the series reveals that it’s really about “a man finding peace and happiness because he finally finds a woman willing to tolerate his bullshit for long enough” (197).
Gay finds the Fifty Shades writing so terrible that it is amusing. She points out some of the plot elements that she finds absurd: Ana’s lack of a gag reflex, Christian being a talkative lover, the rampant materialism, the sex contract between Ana and Christian, repetitive tics in the dialogue, and the personification of Ana’s subconscious and inner goddess. There are also things that Gay finds infuriating and irresponsible. For example, James pathologizes BDSM by making Christian’s interest a result of childhood trauma. Furthermore, James romanticizes Christian’s controlling and abusive behavior and weaponization of sex. Throughout the series, Ana exhibits the signs of an abuse victim, and when she does express her indignation at Christian’s behavior, her righteous anger never lasts long, and she always forgives Christian. Gay concludes that the series reinforces the pervasive messaging that women should tolerate practically anything in order to secure Prince Charming’s love.
While the earlier essays in Part 2 deal with the impact of patriarchy on women, Essays 16 through 22 emphasize that The Spectrum of Patriarchy produces and reinforces a severe distortion of the meaning of manhood. Men are not only excused or forgiven but sometimes outright celebrated for violence. The motifs of trickle-down misogyny and bad boys and bad behavior, and how they contribute to the overall theme of patriarchy, feature more explicitly in these seven essays. Implicit is the idea that patriarchy is not merely a system of male dominance, but a more general system of oppression, rigid categorization, and behavioral rules.
Essay 16 grounds readers in the prevalence of brokenness—i.e., the distortion of male identity, manhood, and power that patriarchy produces and reinforces. In the opening paragraphs, Gay identifies one example of the distortion: “We live in a culture where athletes are revered, and overlooking terrible, criminal behavior is the price we are seemingly willingly to pay for our reverence. Amen” (155). Gay alludes here to cultural norms and standards regarding manhood and masculinity, which athletic men satisfy. The use of “amen” suggests society’s uncritical faith in patriarchy and its concomitant definitions of manhood and masculinity, which function as cultural dogma.
The tacit acceptance of men’s criminal and misogynistic behavior extends to other entertainment arenas. For example, regarding Daniel Tosh encouraging his audience to violate women’s personal boundaries by touching their stomachs, Gay notes that “his ardent fans actually began filming themselves touching women softly on their stomachs and posting the videos to YouTube” (179). Regarding Tosh’s rape joke, Gay is most troubled by that fact that only one person—a woman—condemned the joke (182), suggesting the Burden of Responsibility Placed on Marginalized People to confront oppressive forces.
Gay notes the “culture of entitlement” that undergirds comedians’ inappropriate humor (180), especially regarding sensitive topics. This idea of a culture of entitlement reappears when Gay discusses music and pop culture’s reinforcement of men’s entitlement to women’s bodies. For example, discussing Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” in Essay 21, Gay identifies the dominant cultural messaging that “women exist to satisfy the whims of men” (189). The violation of women’s boundaries and the expectation that men are entitled to violate these boundaries are so normative that men tend to double down on their bad behavior when people call it out—Tosh making a gang rape joke (179), Thick releasing “Give It 2 U,” or Chris Brown “flagrantly revel[ing] in his bad-boy persona and taunt[ing] the public at every turn” (185).
With the discussion of Thicke and Brown, Gay demonstrates how culture rewards men for the bad behavior. Similarly, Roman Polanski and Sean Penn were awarded Oscars after their violence (185-86). In Essay 22, Gay points to a fictional example of the reward for bad behavior in the Fifty Shades character Christian Grey. Grey’s obsessive, controlling, and abusive behavior is romanticized, and the way that he acts out this behavior on Ana becomes the “vehicle for the awakening of [his] humanity” (197).
Gay also makes the point that in the wake of men’s brokenness—i.e., the distortion that patriarchy has produced and reinforced—women specifically and those who are victimized more generally become broken as well. She emphasizes the sacrifices of and damage to the marginalized under patriarchy when she posits that the Fifty Shades series “reinforces pervasive cultural messages women are already swallowing about what they should tolerate in romantic relationships” (204). This uneven exchange is also the dominant point in “Dear Young Ladies Who Love Chris Brown […]”. With Gay’s emphasis on women bearing the brunt of patriarchal distortions, she builds on the burden of responsibility theme.
The same theme appears in Essay 17, where the marginalized group assigned an inordinate amount of responsibility is the LGBTQ+ community. Gay argues that when the public makes demands that celebrities or other public figures disclose their sexual orientation, they do not consider why that public figure might have chosen silence (164). Gay illustrates that patriarchy, as a complex matrix of dominance, behavioral rules, and rigid categorization, is broader than the gender binary. It is about defining the dominant group to such a degree that even within subordinate groups, there are levels of privilege and oppression. For example, Gay notes that “white, handsome, successful, masculine” gay men like Anderson Cooper, Neil Patrick Harris, Matt Bomer, and Zachary Quinto are received well and “held up as examples—not too flamboyant, not too gay” (165). This points to the nuance required when making demands of marginalized groups. Gay uses Frank Ocean as an example of someone whose positionality could entail a far different—possibly dangerous or isolating—reception.
Also in this section, Gay makes explicit that patriarchy encompasses pop culture and media, everyday interaction, and legislation. She introduces the motif of trickle-down misogyny in Essay 18. In questioning “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” (190), Gay suggests that the spectrum of patriarchy is actually circular rather than linear: The elements reinforce each other. To make the point clear, Gay interweaves these elements in her own discussions. For example, she provides statistics on LGBTQ+ youth bullying and suicide rates alongside pointing out that the Supreme Court only just struck down DOMA in 2013 and that there are still states that explicitly define marriage as a union between a man and a woman (164-65).
Pointing out the complex matrix of patriarchal norming is central to Essay 18. Mythical notions about the differences between men’s and women’s intellectual capabilities play into the purported need for a “women’s fiction” category: “Women’s fiction is often considered a more intimate brand of storytelling that doesn’t tackle the big issues found in men’s fiction” (173). Thus, another distortion that patriarchy produces is the idea that patriarchy is a “woman’s issue” as opposed to a broader societal issue. Gay goes on to argue that men and women writers actually cover the same themes and that the notion of some inherent gendered difference obscures these similarities (174). Furthermore, she points out that the inferior status of “women’s fiction” is rooted in the notion that men are the norm and standard against which everything should be measured. She again touches on the theme of responsibility in arguing that male readers and men in publishing, not women writers, should correct the gender disparity and bias in the literary world.
Thus, this section offers insight into patriarchy as a human issue. While women and other marginalized groups bear the brunt of patriarchal ideology, it has a deleterious impact on everyone, including those who stand to benefit from patriarchy the most.
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