62 pages • 2 hours read
In Chapter 7, Butler challenges the common understanding of performativity as a performance or expression of human agency. Instead, Butler considers performativity to be shaped by discourse, independent of human will. Discourse, in turn, is the product of power in society and develops over time through the repetition of norms and exclusion. The exclusion applies to those who do not conform to society’s dictated norms. Performativity produces the identity of subjects within society. However, identity is an unstable category, shifting over time.
Butler then introduces Slavoj Žižek’s book, Sublime Objects of Ideology, in which he challenges poststructuralism, feminism, and other theories that focus on discourse as an umbrella category. Žižek argues that the reach of discourse is limited because it does not fully explain how subjects are formed in society. Instead, Žižek posits that it is important to include the Lacanian concept of foreclosure to explain the formation of the subject in society. Foreclosure represents the process of excluding one or multiple elements from symbolic discourse. According to Žižek, the subject retains an element of symbolic incoherence and is continuously defined by it. As a result, the process of subject formation is never complete, and the subject is never coherent. However, without the external element, subject formation is not possible. This mechanism is repeated at the level of society and ideological discourse. Žižek also links the articulation of certain political concepts, such as “women” or “freedom,” with the process of foreclosure. He argues that such terms grant intelligibility to ideology but that they remain empty signifiers, invested with the hopes and phantasms of ideological representation. This means that the political term “women” does not mean what people think it means. Rather, it only creates the illusion of representing the members of society who identify as “women” in political terms while actually having a life of its own, determined by discourse on the one hand and its fundamental lack of content on the other (since the political term rarely relates to actual women in society).
Drawing on the works of Louis Althusser, Ernesto Laclau, and Chantal Mouffe, Butler analyzes how Žižek incorporates the Lacanian concept of the real into his argument that the formation of discourse in society is prone to failure. “The real” represents that which resists symbolization as the element that is left outside of signification by the process of foreclosure. For Žižek, the analysis of discourse must include an understanding of the real. This perspective aligns with Laclau and Mouffe’s idea of constitutive antagonism, which argues that every ideology is an effort to cover over the elements that cannot be incorporated into it.
Butler discusses the implications of Žižek’s theories of foreclosure, the real, and ideology as they apply to Butler’s concept of performativity. First, Butler questions Žižek’s articulation of the feminine as a political signifier defined by the emptiness of the real and the implications of phantasmatic investment. Butler considers that foreclosure is not universal but variable and structured by changing power relations and discourses within society. Butler also considers the implications of Lacanian psychoanalysis as applied to the feminine, arguing that Lacan keeps the masculine and feminine separate while articulating the feminine in an exterior, unintelligible position. Butler disagrees with Žižek’s all-encompassing rejection of feminism and poststructuralism, arguing that feminists and poststructuralists are justified in representing the multiplicity and variability of identities in society through discourse. Butler also critiques Žižek’s use of “the real” as an umbrella term for what cannot be represented by political discourse. Instead, they advocate for a nuanced understanding of the relationship between language and the unrepresentable in society.
Further on, Butler explores how political signifiers can be mobilized in constructing and maintaining political realities. As an example, they use the political signifier “women,” arguing that such a term does not accurately represent a group of people but rather works performatively in articulating and maintaining a site for political engagement. Such terms are crucial in shaping new identities and generating political interests.
Butler addresses the patriarchal tradition of naming in relation to Žižek’s theory of the political signifier. They argue that Žižek retains the referential aspect of naming, which implies that the term is fixed. Contrary to this, Butler argues that the inability of a name or term to fully describe what it names arises not from a lack of reference or the idea that women are a lost referent; rather it represents multiple social positions and relations that cannot be easily reduced to one term. The term, Butler contends, also varies in meaning over time as it applies to different political situations. Butler states that Žižek’s theory of women as an empty signifier or lost referent is problematic as it closes the possibility for political resistance or rearticulation (redefinition).
The chapter concludes with Butler’s discussion of the political signifier as determined by a series of uses in the past that determine its future. They argue that the performative aspects of the constitution of political terms leave open the possibility of reconfiguring such terms by creating new series of signification. Butler proposes strategies of political solidarity and democratic articulation of political goals to express the possibility of political intervention in society.
Chapter 8 discusses the term “queer” and its potential for mobilization. Butler points to the term’s history and various uses. For example, the term has historically been used to shame subjects who were considered different from the heterosexual norm. At the same time, the term provided an occasion for bonding for people with anti-LGBT biases. The term “queer” is marked by processes of performativity; it retains both the rejection that individuals who do not conform to normative ideals feel and the relations of bonding. Butler suggests that “queer” should be used for political contestation due to its history and ambiguity.
Furthermore, Butler discusses the term “drag” in terms of the relationship between gender and performance. Butler’s analysis of drag is closely tied to their broader examination of how gender identity is not an inherent or stable characteristic but rather a repeated, performative action. Drag involves the imitation of gendered norms and stereotypes, but it is not merely a passive replication. Instead, it becomes a subversive act by exposing the artificiality and arbitrariness of those norms. Nevertheless, as Butler argues, drag is sometimes problematic as it can reinforce heterosexuality. Butler’s concept of performativity emphasizes iteration, the repeated performance of acts that contribute to the maintenance and stabilization of social categories. Drag performers iterate gender norms in a way that both highlights the constructed nature of those norms and opens up possibilities for alternative gender expressions.
Butler then examines the critical potential of drag in challenging the heteronormative established order. Drag, Butler argues, does not claim to represent gender truthfully. Rather, drag retains the psychoanalytic dimension of melancholia as it represents a lost and unnamed object. Butler suggests that drag represents the loss of femininity or masculinity without becoming a model of representability for the queer community. Drag enacts the constitution of gender in society through the performance of gender. With this performance comes a set of unrepresentable positions, lost to the performative constitution of gender identities. These include the positions that are not acknowledged by heteronormative society, such as queer desires, which invoke grief and melancholia.
In the last section of Chapter 8, Butler discusses the relationship between discourse and drag performances. Both involve elements of theatricality and performativity, emphasizing the hyperbolic status of both norms and drag performances. Drag exposes the vulnerability of heterosexual norms, as they are always at risk of being disrupted.
Butler then argues that gender and sexual relations should be reconsidered in contemporary feminist theory. Feminism and queer theory are interrelated rather than separate. Their common goal is to map out the constitution of gender as it relates to power through different racial, political, and geographical regimes. The conclusion raises questions about future paths in thinking about power, resignification, and the complexities of gender and sexuality.
In the last two chapters, the Lacanian notions of foreclosure and the real are central. Lacan famously applied foreclosure to the Oedipal complex, where the subjects do not have access to a father figure, leading to the formation of a psychic structure based on lack. Foreclosure is a traumatic experience for the subject. For Lacan, this lack is constitutive of subjectivity.
Butler engages with the concept of foreclosure in the context of gender performativity. They explore how certain identities are foreclosed within the symbolic order of society, limiting the range of accepted gender identities. Butler extends the notion of trauma produced by foreclosure beyond individual experiences to encompass the collective and systemic exclusion of non-normative gender expressions. The foreclosure of certain identities and performances within the symbolic order creates social trauma, marginalizing individuals whose gender presentations do not align with normative expectations. Trauma, then, results from the persistent iteration of normative ideals and the simultaneous exclusion or violence directed at those who deviate.
For Butler, foreclosure, coupled with iteration, underlies the formation of the cultural categories of identity. It creates conditions that both reveal and conceal what a subject is, generating the opposition of the self to the other. This dynamic produces antagonism in society. Despite the potential for subversion, reiterated versions of gender and race continually reinforce what is considered natural and appropriate for and within specific groups. By examining the impact of foreclosure on gender identity, Butler highlights how normative expectations are maintained and enforced through linguistic and cultural mechanisms.
In Chapter 7, Butler contrasts her view of foreclosure with Žižek’s, highlighting the role of historical analysis in producing a different version of foreclosure. Žižek’s Lacanian interpretation is influenced by Hegelian idealism, which defends the existence of universal concepts over history. Therefore, Žižek’s understanding of foreclosure produces, in Butler’s view, an idealistic and timeless representation of the notions of exclusion and the real. From Butler’s perspective, it is important to recognize the potential of foreclosure to reinscribe the subject in a different set of historical configurations.
Butler examines foreclosure in Chapter 8 as related to drag performance and feminism through the notions of trauma and melancholia. Both trauma and melancholia imply the loss of an object, a state, or an identity. In the context of drag performances, Butler argues that the acts of drag perform the loss of fixed gender identification—an identification that is, in reality, impossible. The trauma of foreclosure also appears in the form of segregation and marginalization in society. Heterosexual social norms oppose queerness, producing abjected communities and, thus, maintaining their own unity of identity. Expressions of racial purity iterate race while excluding the racialized other. Butler warns that Žižek’s understanding of foreclosure risks siding with the law of the normative society. Instead, they propose an acceptance of the ungrieved loss of gender identification. The ungrieved loss, then, turns the notion of foreclosure into a productive one, especially for political rearticulation. The advantage of this notion of ungrieved loss, as opposed to Žižek’s real, is that it is not an idealized or fixed notion. Rather, this notion is open to including any lost identity or any traumatic gender event.
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By Judith Butler