45 pages • 1 hour read
Brain Rule #4 states, “Stressed brains don’t learn the same way” (59). Medina explains that there are many different types of stress. Some types can help boost learning, while others can debilitate it. Stress is defined in three parts. First, stress produces a physiological response. Medina provides the example of his young son encountering carrots on his plate for the first time. His son cried and screamed—a clear physiological response. Second, stress produces a desire to circumvent the stressor. Third, it creates a sense that control has been lost. Humans feel stress about things that they cannot control. The more pronounced this loss of control is, the more developed the stress.
Human brains have evolved to handle stress that lasts for a short burst of time. As the body exhibits the physiological response, the brain enacts a fight or flight response. The body’s glands release adrenaline and cortisol. For early humans, predators, physical injury, and weather were major sources of stress. Each of these were immediate stressors. Modern humans experience stressors that last for longer and are less discernable. As stress builds up, it can have a detrimental effect on human brains and bodies.
A small amount of stress can improve cardiovascular performance and increase white blood cells that boost immunity, but long-term stress scars blood vessels and decreases white blood cells. A small amount of stress can also improve memory and help to solve problems, while a lot of stress can inhibit learning and language processing. Cortisol is the culprit of the deteriorating effect. Secreted by the adrenal glands, cortisol weakens cells in the hippocampus and destroys neural pathways. In contrast, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a group of proteins that protect the brain from the damaging effects of stress.
Medina describes how stress at home can influence a child’s experience at school. His mother was a teacher and witnessed an A student’s steady decline as she coped with her parents’ divorce over the year. When Medina was a senior in high school, his mother became terminally ill, and his father filed for divorce. Medina’s schoolwork suffered. In both cases, stress at home inhibited cognitive performance. Research has shown that students who experience trauma at home consistently underperform at school. For children, this is a life-threatening problem. For the workplace, it costs money. Medina suggests that educational systems should teach parents as well as children. Parents should also take marital counseling and courses to ensure the stability of their relationships.
Brain Rule #5 states, “Every brain is wired differently” (84). Medina begins by considering Michael Jordan’s baseball career. The athlete took a brief break from a six-championship basketball career to pursue baseball, but he soon found that he could not distinguish himself as a professional baseball player. Medina suggests the reason may lie with how basketball changed Jordan’s brain. As humans learn new things, the physical structures of their brains change. The neurons split and grow to create new pathways. Research shows that specific lifestyles and careers translate to specific alterations in the brain. For example, successful violinists have more developed neural regions for fine motor movement.
The wiring begins with a nerve cell. Medina describes a nerve cell as appearing “like an uprooted tree” with roots on one end and branches on the other. Neurons grow and form new structures when learning occurs. The human brain undergoes major neural construction until one’s mid-twenties and continues to fine-tune until one’s mid-forties. Children’s brains experience massive construction until puberty when the brain then begins to focus attention on other neural regions. Brain development for children has a wide range of variations.
Medina describes a study in which scientists monitored a man’s neural activity using electrodes. They determined that a single neuron in his brain was responding to pictures of Jennifer Aniston and nothing else, suggesting that this neuron had only one function: identifying Jennifer Aniston. When the experiment was repeated with images of other celebrities, the scientists found that there were specific neurons for identifying Halle Berry and Bill Clinton. The structure of individuals’ brains is dependent upon their own experiences; if someone had never seen a picture of Jennifer Aniston, there would be no neuron dedicated to identifying her. Everyone’s brains are vastly different.
Medina suggests that this diversity reveals a problem with education that is designed to force children to learn in a regimented way. Schools expect students to reach certain cognitive markers by specific ages, but Medina offers that this is impossible due to the nature of neural variance. Smaller class sizes would enable teachers to provide more differentiated instruction to meet students’ needs.
Brain Rule #6 states, “We don’t pay attention to boring things” (103). Medina opens by describing an attempted robbery of his home. Although the experience was brief, he remembers every moment with vivid clarity. Humans remember more and display more accuracy of memory when they pay more attention to stimuli. Research reveals that humans reach peak interest at 10 minutes with steep decline. However, education still relies on an hour block model.
Attention is rewarded based on three principles: memory, interest, and awareness. Where humans focus their attention is often determined by memory. The brain uses previous experiences to determine whether attention is needed. One’s culture can influence one’s ability to perform certain tasks if those tasks are aligned with cultural memory. Humans are also more likely to pay attention to subjects or people they are interested in. Advertisers build campaigns that also suggest that humans develop interest in things they pay attention to. Humans need to be able to have an awareness of something through sensation to devote attention to it. Humans are more likely to pay attention to things that are emotionally charged, utilizing all three principles.
The first stage of attention is the arousal network. Most of the time, humans operate on a level of intrinsic alertness. They take in stimuli in a passive manner. When a stimulus breaks from the normal routine, the brain moves from intrinsic to phasic alertness. After the interrupting stimulus, the brain moves to the orienting network; in this stage, the brain attempts to gather more information. Finally, the brain moves to the executive network, which determines what course of action is needed. Humans are unable to multitask; human brains are designed to focus on singular concepts at one time. While a person may use automatic functions simultaneously, such as when a pianist plays many keys on a piano while reading music, they can only pay attention to one task or thought.
One of the practical applications Medina offers is to give one’s brain a break. Consistent pauses in learning can help recapture attention and learning. He also recommends paying attention to one thing at a time and chunking presentations into 10-minute segments. At the end of each segment, the presenter should try to gain the audience’s attention again by introducing something that hooks the listener. This hook should follow three principles: (1) It should connect to an emotion, (2) It should be relevant, and (3) It should connect ideas.
These three chapters reveal a wealth of knowledge about the brain’s evolutionary history. Chapter 3 centers on stress. It may at first seem strange to think about the evolutionary advantage of stress, especially when one considers its adverse effects. Medina does not shy away from what stress can do. It can have major health implications; stress has been linked to cancer, stroke, heart disease, and many other ailments. It can also slow cognitive functioning and make it difficult to remember information. Too much stress is a problem. Yet, humans have it, and their brains respond to it.
Medina explains that humans need stress, at least in small doses. Human ancestors relied on stress reactions to survive. The brain has a small arsenal of stress responses that it can utilize in times of need. When humans are stressed, the brain sends signals to use one of these responses. What does an early human do when it encounters a lion in the wild? The brain sends signals that there is an immediate danger, a stressor, and that the human should engage in fight or flight. This response system is essential to human survival and is therefore a major component of The Evolution of the Brain. Yet, humans are not wired for the types of long-term and invisible stressors that permeate contemporary living. These continued stressors can be dangerous.
The wiring of the human brain reveals more about humans’ evolutionary history. Bigger brains meant harder childbirth, so humans needed to develop a way to build bigger brains during early childhood. Therefore, human evolution pushed back cognitive development. Humans take decades to reach adulthood, and their childhoods provide fertile soil for cognitive growth. However, it does not stop in childhood. Adult brains are also wired for continued learning. Despite popular thought, the human brain continues to develop new neurons throughout adulthood. These connections are extremely malleable, suggesting that humans can continue to learn at the latest points in their lives. This also has an evolutionary advantage; as humans faced new challenges and new territories, they needed to be able to learn about them and adapt. The same is true for attention. Human brains evolved to make the best determinations about what deserves attention by using memory, interest, and awareness.
Understanding these evolutionary influences can make a powerful difference in education and one’s personal life. Medina recognizes the connection between Neuroscience and Education. Students can benefit from low levels of cognitive struggle. Small amounts of stress can improve memory and focus. However, too much stress can inhibit learning. Medina suggests that schools should embrace adult as well as child education. Parents should take classes before a child ever enters a school’s doors. By educating parents, schools can help to alleviate stress at home that can adversely affect a child’s cognitive performance. The evolution of brain wiring can influence schools to utilize smaller class sizes and meet students where they are rather than expecting all students to develop at the same rate. Teachers can grab students’ attention by using hooks and brain breaks. They can also incorporate more elaborate coding by connecting learning to emotions and real-life examples.
The implications for these evolutionary developments do not merely stop with education; throughout the work, Medina emphasizes The Importance of Simple Habits. Controlling one’s stress through music, meditation, exercise, sleep, or therapy can have a positive effect on brain functioning and health. When an individual understands their own cognitive wiring, they can take advantage of their own learning styles and needs. They can also find ways to increase their own attention during the times when they most want to learn something new. Engaging with brain research can be empowering. It can provide people with practical tools for better management and growth.
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