65 pages • 2 hours read
On the planet Gammu (formerly Giedi Prime), Reverend Mother Schwangyu oversees the secretive ghola project. Duncan Idaho is a 12-year-old ghola, a replicant manufactured by the Tleilaxu from the dead cells of the original Idaho. The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood is known for its breeding programs to produce advantageous political alliances and secure their power in the universe. They hope Duncan can gain influence over Sheeana Brugh, a young girl who can control the giant sandworms worshiped on the planet Rakis (formerly Arrakis or Dune). The Tyrant Leto II has been dead for 1,500 years, but his religious influence persists beyond the Bene Gesserit’s control.
New rivals called the Honored Matres threaten the Bene Gesserit. They are among the Lost Ones who have returned from the Scattering, a mass exodus following Leto’s death. Because of the failures with 11 previous gholas, Reverend Mother Lucilla is brought in early to imprint Duncan in all forms of love and secure his loyalty to the Bene Gesserit. The Sisterhood typically avoids love but employs emotion as a “safety net” to ensure their success with the 12th ghola. Lucilla does not know the full extent of the project but obeys her orders from the Reverend Mother Superior Taraza, the leader of the Bene Gesserit. Lucilla resembles a Reverend Mother named Darwi Odrade and must imprint the ghola on Odrade’s behalf.
Schwangyu opposes the ghola project and fears they might create another Kwisatz Haderach or Tyrant who will undermine their authority. Lucilla deems Schwangyu’s objections as a type of “heresy,” but the term is inappropriate to apply to the Bene Gesserit, an organization founded on the manipulation of religion. The retired Supreme Bashar, Miles Teg, and his aide, Patrin, oversee the Gammu Keep’s security and Duncan’s training. Lucilla empathizes with the confined ghola and imagines he must hate them.
On Chapter House Planet, the Bene Gesserit’s home base, Reverend Mother Superior Alma Mavis Taraza interviews Darwi Odrade for an obscure mission to Rakis. An increase in arms sales has accompanied the return of the Lost Ones from the Scattering, suggesting that violence is forthcoming. Taraza is concerned that the Bene Gesserit have forsaken their higher ideals in exchange for personal conveniences. She warns they may cease to exist if the Bene Gesserit remains too complacent.
Like all Reverend Mothers, Odrade can access the consciousness of all her female ancestors in streams of awareness called “Other Memories.” She also possesses a “prescient instinct” that Taraza only commands her to use in dire situations. Odrade recalls her childhood on Gammu where the Bene Gesserit placed her with foster parents to hide her Atreides lineage. When Odrade was six, the Bene Gesserit took her away from the two people she loved and never stopped loving despite the Bene Gesserit’s counsel to discard such ancient emotions. Taraza warns Odrade that accessing ancestral memories is a tool for survival, not for addressing childhood trauma and satisfying one’s curiosity about the past. Odrade assures her that she will not let her past affect her mission. She invokes the names Dar and Tar, nicknames that Odrade and Taraza once used to refer to themselves in their youths when Taraza was her mentor. The nicknames go against the Bene Gesserit’s formal mode of address and reveal their affection for each other. Taraza refuses to answer Odrade’s question about the complete plans for the ghola and rejects her interest in meeting Lucilla. She reminds Odrade to remember her loyalties and dispatches her to Rakis.
Confined to the Gammu Keep, young Duncan Idaho turns 13 years old. He likes both Miles Teg and Patrin but despises Schwangyu. He resents her for punishing the guards when he once sneaked out to explore the compound. The guards used to play with Duncan, but Schwangyu ended their friendship. Teg refuses to answer Duncan’s questions about why he must be guarded and who his parents are. Duncan learns in the library about the time of the God Emperor. Leto II had the body of a man-worm hybrid that dispersed into many larval sandworms upon his death. Rakis’s worshippers still revere him in the Church of Shai-hulud, the Divided God. They believe Leto’s consciousness exists in each worm, though this pearl is unaware and remains latent. When he was 10, Duncan learned about the history of Siona and Idaho and discovered that he was a ghola. He possesses the authentic genes of Idaho, but the original memories remain stored in his unconscious until triggered by trauma. Duncan is determined to revive his original memories and learn who he is.
In a flashback to six years earlier, Taraza pays Teg a personal visit to recall him out of retirement. She needs a Weapons Master for the young ghola-child. Taraza respects and trusts Teg, a direct descendent of the Atreides. She admires how his home retains his mother’s decor and personal touches after her death. Teg dislikes “chairdogs,” bio-engineered dogs shaped into chairs and other living furniture, and spends his retirement farming and gardening.
The Bene Gesserit has conditioned Teg, but he also possesses an independent Mentat’s skills of logic and computation. Teg’s allegiance to the Bene Gesserit is founded on their shared “moral purpose.” He believes their code of ethics relies on fairness rather than on law; those in power can dictate laws whereas all parties involved must agree upon fairness. Teg bases his actions not on future predictions but on what’s right now. He agrees to the post but declines to reinstate his title as Supreme Bashar so his successor is given his just promotion. Teg is 296 years old but is still fit to train Duncan in military arts. The Bene Gesserit intends to use Teg’s uncanny resemblance to Duke Leto I to restore the ghola’s original memories when he comes of age. Taraza remains cryptic about the goal of the ghola project. She informs Teg that the Bene Gesserit council’s loyalties are divided and does not trust Schwangyu.
On the planet Tleilax, home to the Bene Tleilax (also called Tleilaxu), Tylwyth Waff assembles his council in the city of Bandalong. Waff is the Master of Masters, the leader of a secret 10-member order in the Bene Tleilax hierarchy. For millennia, the Tleilaxu have been constructing a myth of themselves as “dirty” inferiors to hide their true intent to take over the universe. Their new Face Dancers—constructs that can mimic appearances and access the memories of others—have infiltrated their adversaries’ ranks. The Tleilaxu plan to set the Honored Matres in opposition against the Bene Gesserit to weaken both forces. The Masters secretly follow a syncretic religion rooted in ancient Sufi-Zensunni beliefs and revere Leto II as a prophet. Waff assures the council that no one in the universe knows their deepest secret: All 10 members of the council are gholas who have been reproducing themselves for centuries. They have had their original memories restored in a cycle akin to immortality.
On the planet Rakis (formerly Arrakis), 11-year-old Sheeana Brugh rides a giant sandworm in the city of Keen (formerly Arrakeen). When she was eight years old, Sheeana survived a worm attack that killed her parents and swallowed up her entire village. In her anger, she chased after the worm and discovered that she could control the creature and ride it. She knew that ancient Fremen used to ride the worms but Rakian priests forbid the act, regarding it as a demeaning treatment of Leto II’s spirit. The worm safely took her to Keen where some priests worshipped her as a child of God. Sheeana feared the priests and regarded them as “bad” people who punished the poor by feeding them to the worms. Unsure if Sheeana has broken their laws, the priests test her by deserting her in the desert with an active thumper, a short stake with a spring-loaded clapper on one end that pounds repeatedly when released, to attract the sandworms to her location. Sheeana curses the worm for killing her family and friends, and the worm retreats. She survives the encounter, and the priests contact the Bene Gesserit embassy to inform them that the event they have been waiting for has finally arrived.
Miles Teg has a childhood memory of his mother, the Bene Gesserit Lady Janet Roxbrough-Teg. When Teg was seven, his mother taught him how to detect Face Dancers, a race of metamorphic transhumans engineered by the Bene Tleilax. He learned that new Face Dancers can absorb other people’s memories by touching them. Teg recalls how his love for his mother transferred to his loyalty to the Bene Gesserit. When Teg was 13, he attended a Bene Gesserit training school and returned a Warrior Mentat skilled in battle and computation. He thinks back to his first meeting with Schwangyu at the Gammu Keep. Schwangyu instructed Teg not to tell the child about gholas and spoke about Duncan as if he were not human. Teg confirms Taraza’s warning not to trust Schwangyu and vows to protect Duncan at all costs.
Waff meets with an Honored Matre on an Ixian no-ship where they cannot be detected. Unbeknownst to the Honored Matres, Face Dancers have infiltrated the ship disguised as Ixian crew members. Waff’s informants have told him that the Honored Matres are numerous and more threatening than the Bene Gesserit. They can use Voice, a speaking technique to command people, but they do not possess Other Memories. Their strongest power is their mastery of sex to control men. Waff secretly arms himself with two poison darts in his sleeves and meets with the Honored Matre to gather more intel. The Honored Matre demands to know what the Bene Gesserit’s ghola project entails and orders Waff to allow two Honored Matres to breed with the Tleilaxu and report on their technologies. Waff kills two Honored Matres and replaces them with Face Dancers who “print” the women’s memories by touching them head-to-head. The Tleilaxu destroy the no-ship and leave no survivors.
The opening chapters introduce a world of political intrigue and deception. The Bene Gesserit and Bene Tleilax (or the Tleilaxu) employ facades in their essential operations. The Bene Gesserit presents an outward appearance of being a religious order, with titles like “Reverend Mother,” “Reverend Mother Superior,” and “the Sisterhood” to mask their hidden identity as a clandestine political organization. Inversely, the Tleilaxu have a deeply rooted religious identity that they keep hidden behind an intentional mask of inferiority and are often described with demeaning epithets like “[t]he vile, detestable, dirty Tleilaxu! The stupid Tleilaxu! The predictable Tleilaxu! The impetuous Tleilaxu!” (63). The less threatening they appear, the more damage they can exact. The Tleilaxu have mastered the art of deception with their new Face Dancers who are perfect mimics. The facades from both organizations emphasize the climate of distrust and ulterior motives in the universe, creating a mood where everyone seems to be up to no good. This mood heightens the novel's larger focus on the decline of ethical principles in favor of raw power and introduces Herbert’s exploration of the theme of The Critique of Religious Corruption.
The Bene Gesserit exercise secrecy as a form of control in almost all their activities, including those that involve their members. Duncan and Odrade are not given truthful information about their identity when they are children. Lucilla, Teg, and Odrade participate in the ghola project without any information on Taraza’s complete design. The lack of transparency among the units working on the ghola project reveals how Bene Gesserit maintains its secrecy by suppressing individual identity and treating individuals as anonymous parts of a whole. Lucilla is aware that she physically resembles Odrade but doesn’t know why. Odrade wishes to meet Lucilla but is denied the opportunity. Odrade summarizes how the “Bene Gesserit divisions were cut by hard vertical and horizontal barriers, divided into isolated groups that converged to a single command only here at the top” (27). The “cut” of the “hard” barriers connotes a brutal dynamic where the characters are physically and emotionally alienated from each other and their purpose. Lucilla, Teg, and Odrade only need to know their parts and are consistently reminded to uphold their loyalties to the Sisterhood over personal needs.
The Bene Gesserit and the Tleilaxu disdain emotions and personal relationships, highlighting the theme of Love and Empathy as Vital Human Traits. Despite their ability to “mind-print” other people’s memories, the Tleilaxu lack empathy and only use their intimate connections with other people’s minds for opportunism and deceit. Waff describes the Face Dancers as “not kin. They were constructs, tools” (66). The Face Dancers are a depersonalized force who obey commands and are never referenced as having an individual identity, family, or past. They are neither celebrated nor mourned and merely exist as instruments of the Tleilaxu Masters. This portrayal functions as a foil for the ways several protagonists begin to question their role as members and supporters of the Bene Gesserit.
The Bene Gesserit spend millennia breeding specific types of people for their political designs and disdain love as an outdated distraction. However, in these chapters, Herbert’s characterization of Duncan, Sheeana, and Odrade serve as antidotes to the unfeeling and callous attitudes of the larger organizations of power. Love in the form of family and friendship is central to many of the main characters’ lives, standing in direct contrast to Taraza’s warning to Odrade that “[l]ove leads to misery” (23). Young Duncan Idaho mourns the loss of comradery with the guards at the Gammu Keep and finds genuine and reciprocal friendship with Miles Teg and Patrin. Sheeana’s love for her parents drives her anger when a sandworm destroys her village. Odrade’s love for her foster parents and friendship with Taraza marks her. Their willingness to feel emotions highlights their humanity, further underscoring the theme of Love and Empathy as Vital Human Traits.
A main counterpoint to the dishonesty and intrigue in the political arena is Miles Teg, a model of integrity and loyalty. He is the necessary figure to awaken such values when Duncan comes of age and has been bred to embody all the admirable traits of the Atreides line, such as valuing the people’s perspectives to judge the ruler. Teg’s skills as a Mentat demonstrate that reason and rationality do not have to be at odds with emotions and empathy. He relies on his computations to hone military strategies, but he also shows sentimentalism for his mother by keeping her house decorated as she had left it. Like Duke Leto I, who cared for the lives of his people over the profit of spice, the author introduces Teg as Leto’s “mirror” image both physically and ethically. Teg seeks no value in prescience and cares only for what is right at the moment. This contrasts him greatly to Leto II whose Golden Path and tyranny made people suffer during his reign for the outcome in the distant future of human survival. Teg elucidates a morality premised not on personal gain but in which everyone feels his actions are fair. His decision to decline the restatement of his title to give others a fair opportunity for promotion and not have their authority undermined by his return reveals his moral clarity and desire not to take advantage of his privileges. Teg finds Bene Gesserit’s purpose as having integrity, and his allegiance gives a more complex representation of Bene Gesserit as neither wholly villainous nor heroic.
In this section, Herbert also introduces the Honored Matres’ strongest weapon: the mastery of sex to control men. Here, the Honored Matres’ skills in using sex as a weapon portray female sexuality and power as predatory and emasculating—a characterization that continues to develop in complexity throughout the novel.
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By Frank Herbert