61 pages • 2 hours read
Darwin notes that variety itself—that is, individual differences within members of a species—offers little, if any, explanation for how it arises: “How have all those exquisite adaptations of one part of the organization to another part, and to the conditions of life, and of one distinct organic being to another being, been perfected?” (585)
He introduces two fundamental concepts that guide his work for the remainder of the book: the “Struggle for Life” and “Natural Selection” (586). Darwin refers to the struggle for life (or, alternatively, “the struggle for existence”) to mean several different things, but all center on an organism’s attempt to outcompete and propagate. Building on the work of Thomas Malthus, Darwin posits that any given species of organism in a specific environment produces more offspring than can possibly survive. Many creatures die in infancy or as seeds: “Eggs or very young animals seem generally to suffer the most” (590). Others are consumed by predators. Many more still are outcompeted not only by members of other species but by better-suited members of their own. The struggle for life, though partly a result of difficulties in the physical environment and climate, is generally gravest with respect to relationships and competition between organisms that cover the same territories, require the same sustenance, and have the same weaknesses.
When the conditions of life change in a population’s favor, Malthus’s principle of geometrical increase becomes obvious. In more favorable conditions, more members of a population live to an older age and therefore breed, increasing the population. Darwin emphasizes that organisms constantly struggle to increase their population: “Lighten any check, mitigate the destruction ever so little, and the number of the species will almost instantaneously increase” (590). Limits on population size in the struggle for life include extreme cold during winter, limits in food availability, and competition from “enemy” populations. Large numbers of individuals of a species are useful in its continued success. Darwin notes an instance in which, over time, a single tree planted in a landscape forever altered the conditions of life, highlighting the complexity and fragility of an environment’s system of checks and balances. Darwin provides several examples to highlight the complexity of these relationships. He notes that animals can be relocated to places with the exact same climate but extremely different other conditions of life and thus face hardship: “The mutual relations of all organic beings […] seems to be difficult to acquire” (599).
Darwin next discusses the concept of natural selection (the central idea in his theory and the subject of the next chapter) in terms of its relationship to the struggle for existence:
Owing to this struggle for life, any variation, however slight and from whatever cause proceeding, if it be in any degree profitable to any species, in its infinitely complex relations to other organic beings and to external nature, will tend to the preservation of that individual, and will generally be inherited by its offspring […] I have called this principle, by which each slight variation, if useful, is preserved by the term Natural Selection (586).
Darwin reiterates a point that he considers crucial to the thinking that his theory requires: “Let it be borne in mind how infinitely complex and closefitting are the mutual relations of all organic beings to each other and to their physical conditions of life” (600). Thus, the most minute of useful variations propagate, and all problematic variations quickly disappear. This is the process of natural selection.
The author notes that no environment on Earth prevents species from improving itself to take further advantage of natural resources in its struggle. He then poetically muses on the superiority of natural selection to the works of human endeavor (breeding), stating that the products of nature “bear the stamp of far higher workmanship” (603). He notes that much about this process is completely unknown to human observers. Slight modifications have unknowable ramifications for further modifications later. As examples, he cites the beaks of birds and the jaws of insects, which the organisms use to break out of eggs and cocoons, respectively, and which subsequent modifications enable secondary uses, giving the animal additional (and perhaps unexpected) advantages.
Darwin then introduces another critical idea: sexual selection, a form of natural selection based on the struggle to procreate rather than the struggle for life. Darwin notes that competition is most strenuous between males of polygamous animals. Although the males that fail to reproduce aren’t killed, they don’t propagate offspring and therefore aren’t selected for. The sexual selection process also selects for traits that give individual males advantages in mating. Darwin writes that these can include “weapons, means of defense, or charms” (607).
The author then notes how natural selection can produce different varieties, each better suited to a respective environment, as for wolves that live in the mountains versus those that live in the valleys. Additionally, the division of labor can be selected for among the complex parts of flowers and other plants. Flowers and bees, he observes, can co-adapt given their close interdependence. He concludes that natural selection works via “infinitesimally small inherited modifications, each profitable to the preserved being” (612).
Next, Darwin discusses how plants are often hermaphrodites, elaborating on the importance and frequency of intercrossing with other individuals. Nevertheless, he notes, the hermaphrodites that exist in the animal kingdom all interbreed. He concludes that “both in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, an occasional intercross with a distinct individual is a law of nature” (616). Darwin emphasizes the importance of variation, both among individuals and in sexual selection.
He then discusses the circumstances that influence to natural selection, such as the number of individuals in a population, how isolated that population is, the amount of terrain it occupies, and its number of competitors. Unfavorable circumstances lead to diminishment and extinction. Rare species, unsurprisingly, often go extinct, especially when another, competitive species has recently undergone beneficial modifications.
Darwin refers to the divergence of character, which he previously discussed in domestic breeding programs, to explain the lineage of appreciable subspecies. This principle states that divergences in species tend to accrue because the diversity of traits in the species leads to an advantage over competitors in the struggle for existence. These divergences eventually reach a degree that indicates an appreciable basis for a new species. This subsection of Chapter 4 contains (on pages 630-31) the book’s only diagram. This diagram presents a speculative, abbreviated, and simplified history of the process of natural selection among several species. Darwin explains how this process works, and he references the diagram throughout the remainder of the book. He discusses the relationship of intermediate forms to their parent forms, their ancestors, and one another. This process is known as “descent with modification” (635). He notes the predictive capacity of the divergence of character principle to show what will likely occur in future generations of a species. Darwin concludes by summarizing the chapter’s theoretical points and waxes poetic, referring to the great “tree” of life that connects all species.
Chapters 3 and 4 are arguably the most important chapters in On the Origin of Species, especially because they develop the most prevalent and influential concepts of Darwin’s theory of evolution (and a primary theme): Natural Selection and the Struggle for Existence. In his overarching argument, the relationship between these two chapters is clear. The struggle for life between individuals in a natural environment sets the stage for natural selection. Given that life in the wild is so grueling and the relationships between organisms is so complex, any slight advantage that an organism receives via mutation of its form can help it inestimably. For Darwin’s argument, then, an accurate description of the hardship of life is the necessary backdrop for the fruition of natural selection. If a population of organisms encounters no problem growing to adulthood and reproducing, then no impetus exists to select for new variations.
Even more necessary, however, as Darwin reiterates in both chapters, is a particular way of thinking about relationships between lifeforms. These relationships are of primary importance to the life of the individual and its struggle for existence:
The structure of every organic being is related, in the most essential yet often hidden manner, to that of all other organic beings, with which it comes into competition for food or residence, or from which it has to escape, or on which it preys (598).
The continued emphasis he places on this reflects his presumption that thinking in this manner is unintuitive for his readers (especially those who believe in independent creation) but that it is necessary for understanding natural selection. Ecology, a term coined less than a decade after the publication of On the Origin of Species, is the study of the interconnections between lifeforms. Darwinian theory is thus rooted in ecology and a precedent for the development of ecological science.
Darwin continuously emphasizes the difference in natural and artificial (or domestically bred) selection: “Natural selection, as we shall hereafter see, is a power incessantly ready for action, and is as immeasurably superior to man’s feeble efforts as the works of Nature are to those of Art” (586). Darwin observes at least two ways that natural selection is superior to domestic selection. First, natural selection selects for traits that benefit the organism, whereas domestic selection breeds for the benefit of the breeder. Thus, natural selection develops through reference to the organism’s internal nature, helping it better adapt to the conditions of life with it faces. Domestic selection doesn’t benefit the organism in this way. In fact, domestic selection can select only for properties that the breeder can observe, which are thus a smaller subset of possible variations than are naturally possible. Similarly, “art,” as Darwin employs it here, imitates “nature.” Even the most distinguished artist can produce only the faintest resemblance of nature’s profundity and depth. Just as art piggybacks on natural productions, the breeder modifies species that have already been evolving for millennia and thus works with tools that a much greater and more nearly eternal power forged. The author recognizes that many people may be incapable of recognizing the grandeur of natural productions. Natural selection theory, he implies, reforms this poverty of perspective:
What a struggle between the several kinds of trees must here have gone on during long centuries, each annually scattering its seeds by the thousands; what war between insect and insect—between insects, snails, and other animals with birds and beasts of prey—all striving to increase, and all feeding on each other or on the trees or their seeds and seedlings, or on the other plants which first clothed the ground and thus checked the growth of the trees! Throw up a handful of feathers, and all must fall to the ground according to definite laws (596).
Here, Darwin revels in the majesty, longevity, and detail of the natural struggle for existence. Simultaneously, he points out the complex ecological relationships that implicate various species and the “definite laws” that determine even the most trivial events. He succinctly ties together various aspects of his perspective that are both scientifically viable and existentially meaningful.
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