63 pages • 2 hours read
This flexible-use quiz is designed for reading comprehension assessment and activity needs in classroom, home-schooling and other settings. Questions connect to the text’s plot, characters, and themes — and align with the content and chapter organization in the rest of this study guide. Use quizzes as pre-reading hooks, reading checks, discussion starters, entrance/exit “tickets,” small group activities, writing activities, and lessons on finding evidence and support in a text.
Depth of Knowledge Levels: Questions require respondents to demonstrate ability to:
1. Why do tourists come to Jude’s hometown in Syria?
A) A famous celebrity lived there once.
B) It has beaches and restaurants.
C) The president of Syria has a home there.
D) Several radical groups use it as a base.
2. Between which two family members does there appear to be the greatest amount of conflict?
A) Issa and Papa
B) Mama and Papa
C) Mama and Aunt Amal
D) Issa and Jude
3. Which statement best describes Jude and Fatima’s friendship by the time Jude departs for the United States?
A) Jude and Fatima are close; they hug, share secrets, and promise to call each other often.
B) Jude feels lately that Fatima is growing up without her, but they reconnect when they say goodbye.
C) Jude worries Sammy will replace her as Fatima’s closest friend, but Fatima says that won’t happen.
D) Jude knows that she and Fatima have grown far apart and gratefully looks forward to new friends.
4. What event causes both Jude and Mama to realize that Issa could have been taken into custody for his political beliefs?
A) He attends an unapproved protest.
B) He is named in the newspaper.
C) His apartment is raided by police.
D) His friends are arrested in class.
5. Which of these reasons, according to Mama, summarizes much of the need to leave for America?
A) Issa’s views bring them danger, Papa is ill, and Jude needs a better school.
B) Papa must take a new job, they sold the house, and Issa will soon follow.
C) Papa will soon be unemployed, Issa has moved out, and Mama is scared.
D) Mama is pregnant, Jude must help her, and conflict and unrest are increasing.
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
6. What does Papa do for a living?
7. How do Jude and Mama differ in their feelings about their goodbye get-together with Aunt Amal and Fatima?
8. What items does Jude pack after Fatima asks if she will take them to America?
9. Which of these plot points best describes what occurs at the immigration booth?
A) Jude indicates with English words that they would like the help of a translator.
B) Mama hesitantly speaks what little English she knows to the immigration official.
C) Mama stays quiet while Jude explains their destination and the point of their visit.
D) Jude is tongue-tied but manages to answer the official’s questions with one word.
10. What city is Uncle Mazin and Aunt Michelle’s neighborhood near?
A) Cincinnati, Ohio
B) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
C) Muncie, Indiana
D) Chicago, Illinois
11. Based on her thoughts after several days in America, how must Jude feel about the old house in which Uncle Mazin and Aunt Michelle live?
A) afraid of its dark corners and stairways
B) uncomfortable with its lack of privacy
C) comforted by its creaks and groans
D) nostalgic because of its similarities to home
12. Which of these conclusions does Mama seem to make based on her criticism of her brother Mazin?
A) He has largely forgotten Syria as his home.
B) He does not seem to care about her health.
C) He has plenty of money but is stingy with it.
D) He spends too much time at the hospital.
13. What concern does Sarah voice about Jude that Jude overhears one evening?
A) Sarah thinks Jude is unfriendly and does not want Jude meeting her friends.
B) Sarah realizes Jude loves American TV but worries Jude does not understand it.
C) Sarah wonders if Jude can enjoy much about America when Jude is worried about Issa.
D) Sarah worries that Jude will attend her school though Jude cannot even speak the language.
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
14. What are three details that work together to depict Aunt Michelle as a character who contrasts with Mama?
15. What can you determine as the reason Mama and Papa do not bring up Issa on the first computer call?
16. What observation causes Jude to conclude that “Americans love labels”?
17. Which statement best summarizes Jude’s experience with her ESL (English as Second Language) class over the course of Part 3?
A) She dislikes the teacher but is glad to meet another student from Syria.
B) She is relieved to see the class on her schedule and knows it will be her favorite.
C) She thinks she will not like or need the class, but it turns out to be a good fit.
D) She appreciates the skills she learns, but there are too many students in it.
18. Which of these descriptions of Sarah’s feelings toward Jude at the start of the school year are illustrated by her behavior?
A) Sarah wants to pretend she and Jude are not family.
B) Sarah wants Jude to fit in and meet her friends.
C) Sarah wants to bond with Jude by cooking and baking together.
D) Sarah wants Jude to be homeschooled or take online classes.
19. What is the overall message Uncle Mazin tries to relay to Jude at their dinner together?
A) Some Americans will never understand or accept her traditions and background.
B) Living in America will improve, but she will have to demonstrate patience.
C) America has many immigrants who found success and happiness, and she will too.
D) Compared to Syria, America is not humble or traditional, but it is safer.
20. What does Mama do to improve her English?
A) sits with Aunt Michelle to practice
B) takes a class at the mosque she found
C) works with Jude on Jude’s literature assignments
D) attends tutoring with one of Uncle Mazin’s friends
21. What quality does Jude demonstrate immediately before meeting Layla for the first time?
A) forethought
B) generosity
C) empathy
D) courage
22. What concerning news from home does Jude hear just before play tryouts?
A) Issa has left their hometown and moved closer to the violence near Aleppo.
B) Papa’s store has declining business from tourists because armed guards frequent it.
C) Fatima and Aunt Amal are missing and there is no one who can look for them.
D) People in her hometown like Papa tried to flee but are being forced to stay.
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
23. What are two things Jude will have to select, prepare, and perform for her tryout?
24. What event does Mrs. Ravenswood celebrate with cookies in ESL class?
25. What prompts Jude to bring up Issa in ESL class right before Thanksgiving?
26. Which statement accurately summarizes the events at the ultrasound appointment?
A) The technician is unfriendly and quiet, and she stares too long at Mama’s hijab.
B) The baby has an uneven heartbeat, so the technician schedules a second ultrasound.
C) Mama makes Jude and the technician laugh and finds out the baby is a girl.
D) Jude translates between Mama and the technician initially, then waits in the hall.
27. In what way are Sarah’s comments about Layla on the day of sledding ironic?
A) Sarah used to be friends with Layla but now behaves in an unfriendly way toward her.
B) Sarah’s reasons for bringing Layla on the outing are based on an incorrect assumption.
C) Sarah says Layla acts like she is from somewhere else, but Layla was born in America.
D) Sarah wants to get to know Layla, but she must ask Jude for an introduction.
28. What does Jude reveal on the day of sledding that surprises Sarah, Mina, Harper, and Sloane?
A) She plans to try out for the musical.
B) Layla’s parents own a restaurant.
C) She has never been sledding before.
D) Omar made the soccer team.
29. After she discovers the unsent letters to Fatima, what does Jude realize as she confronts Mama?
A) If Jude had asked to call Fatima on the computer, she would have learned the truth sooner.
B) Mama never mailed the letters because she had an argument with Aunt Amal before leaving.
C) Their unspoken worries impact what Jude and Mama do and do not reveal to each other.
D) If Fatima went to Lebanon, she could soon emigrate to the U.S. like Layla’s parents.
30. What prompts Jude to perform her audition with a degree of defiance and pride?
A) Sarah’s eye rolling and whispering to friends
B) the director’s mispronunciation of her name
C) Layla’s insistence that she should do sets
D) Mrs. Ravenswood’s comments about her English
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
31. What does the stranger tell Mama on Mama’s exit from the ultrasound appointment?
32. How do Jude’s and Layla’s feelings about the tryouts contrast?
33. What does Jude unpack and begin to wear shortly after musical tryouts?
34. Which of these statements most accurately describes Mrs. Ravenswood’s response to Jude’s hijab?
A) She asks Jude if she feels required to wear the hijab.
B) She compliments Jude’s appearance without referencing the hijab.
C) She tells Jude that the headscarf is attractive and makes her look older.
D) She looks away and does not address Jude before class.
35. Based on multiple conversations between Miles and Jude at the beginning of the rehearsal process, which of these statements best describes how Miles most likely feels about Jude?
A) He enjoys her company and is curious about her.
B) He doesn’t mind her presence but thinks she is too quiet.
C) He feels awkward and uncomfortable when she is around.
D) He prefers to spend down time with older students instead of her.
36. Judging by Sarah’s verbal reactions to Jude shortly after the cast list goes up, how does Sarah feel?
A) supportive of Jude’s accomplishment but sad for herself
B) irritated with Jude but relieved that all her friends were cast
C) envious of Jude’s role and disrespectful toward those with non-acting roles
D) thrilled that Jude earned a role and confused that the role is so small
37. What can be inferred as the reason Layla says Jude will now “learn what it means to be / Muslim / in America”?
A) The news has been filled with reports from Lebanon and Pakistan.
B) The mosque was closed because of protesters and unrest.
C) The bomb in a Western city resulted from Middle Eastern conflict.
D) The U.S. military began landing peacekeeping troops in Syria.
38. Which of these characteristics does Miles best represent?
A) courage
B) generosity
C) apprehensiveness
D) individualism
39. Of these characters, who demonstrates the most change by the end of Part 5 (in particular, in the fundraiser scene and immediately afterwards)?
A) Miles
B) Sarah
C) Aunt Michelle
D) Issa
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
40. Who tells Jude that she got a speaking role, and why is it ironic that Jude hears it from this character?
41. What does Mrs. Bloom mean when she says Jude has “punch…liters of it”?
42. When Jude is upset about the vandalism to Ali Baba, what does Mama say regarding the difference between Jude and Issa?
43. What conclusions does Jude come to about Issa based on his computer call?
A) He is nervous, rushed, and fearful, but eager to see Jude and the baby.
B) He is sad and withdrawn, but eager to discuss leaving Syria for America.
C) He is confident, beaming, and victorious, but worried that Papa is still angry.
D) He is tired, worn down, and thin, but happy with his choices and at peace.
44. Which theme topic does Jude’s new baby sister best represent?
A) hope
B) courage
C) adventure
D) knowledge
45. What impact does Jude’s new baby sister have on the household?
A) Everyone finds joy in her presence, and everyone helps out.
B) She takes up much of Aunt Michelle’s attention, upsetting Sarah.
C) No one has time to help Mama much, but everyone loves her.
D) It is a slow adjustment, and everyone must sacrifice time and sleep.
46. Which of the following plot details offers the best evidence of growing friendship between Miles and Jude?
A) Jude shows Miles a picture of her new baby sister.
B) Miles and Jude wish each other luck on opening night.
C) Jude makes a point of telling Miles the good news about Issa.
D) Miles calls the police about the man who harassed Jude.
47. Judging by her reaction to Sarah’s comments about whom the baby looks like, how does Jude feel about her relationship with Sarah?
A) She is shocked that Sarah is still occasionally insensitive.
B) She is thrilled that Sarah seems to have accepted her.
C) She is worried that Sarah will never see her as family.
D) She is hopeful that one day Sarah will see her as brave.
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
48. What secret “hidden charm” does Jude think will give her confidence on opening night?
49. What is Jude doing just as the novel ends, symbolizing her courage and anticipation of the future?
Part 1
1. B (Poems 1, 6)
2. A (Poems 6, 11)
3. B (Poems 3, 19)
4. C (Poems 15, 16)
5. D (Poem 18)
6. Short answer: He owns a small store for snacks, magazines, and other convenience items. (Poem 8)
7. Short answer: Jude wants a party (and enjoys the cake Aunt Amal brings), but Mama says a party is unnecessary because they will return soon. (Poem 19)
8. Short answer: She packs headscarves. (Poem 19)
Part 2
9. D (Poem 2)
10. A (Poem 5)
11. C (Poem 6)
12. A (Poems 11, 12)
13. D (Poem 8)
14. Short answer: Answers might include three of the following: She wears her hair in a loose braid; she is proud of her old house; she likes plain and bright furnishings and interiors; she looks like a movie star; she studied French at a university; she sings in the kitchen. (Poem 4, 6, 11)
15. Short answer: Answers should reflect that, because they are both so worried and/or unaware about Issa, it is too difficult to talk about him. (Poem 10)
16. Short answer: Jude notices that Americans name many things by geographic or cultural background: French food, Italian food, Muslim girl. (Poem 13)
Part 3
17. C (Poem 4)
18. A (Poems 6, 7) Sarah ignores Jude’s attempt to greet her in the hall and does not invite her to sit together at lunch.
19. B (Poem 9)
20. B (Poem 11)
21. D (Poem 13) Jude must work up courage to enter Layla’s parents’ restaurant; she passes it several times before going in.
22. A (Poem 21)
23. Short answer: Jude will have to select, prepare, and perform a song and a two-minute monologue. (Poem 18)
24. Short answer: She celebrates Omar’s success in joining the soccer team. (Poem 8)
25. Short answer: Mrs. Ravenswood asked each student to share something for which he or she is grateful. (Poem 23)
Part 4
26. C (Poem 6)
27. C (Poem 5)
28. A (Poem 6)
29. C (Poem 10)
30. B (Poem 11)
31. Short answer: The stranger insists that Mama does not need to wear a headscarf in America. (Poem 7)
32. Short answer: Layla thinks speaking parts aren’t for “girls like [them]” but Jude feels she has a right to try out like anyone else. (Poem 7, 11)
33. Short answer: She begins wearing her headscarves. (Poem 13)
Part 5
34. B (Poem 3)
35. A (Poems 6, 8)
36. C (Poem 5)
37. C (Poem 12)
38. D (Poem 11)
39. B (Poem 20)
40. Short answer: Layla tells her, which is ironic because Layla told Jude repeatedly that she (Jude) would never be cast. (Poem 4)
41. Short answer: Mrs. Bloom means that Jude has plenty of spirit, “guts,” and courage. (Poem 5)
42. Short answer: Mama says that Jude has more level-headedness and or self-control than Issa; Issa is more temperamental. (Poem 14)
Part 6
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