68 pages • 2 hours read
Jamal and Tito go to Jamal’s apartment, where no one is home. He sees a letter in the mail from Mr. Davidson asking Mama to call immediately. Jamal calls the school and explains that she cannot contact them because she’s tending to his brother who was stabbed. The secretary tells him to come into school tomorrow himself and report to Mr. Davidson. Next, he tries to call Indian at the barbecue joint. Angel comes to the phone, and Jamal tells him that Randy has told Mama that Indian should head up the Scorpions. The restaurant’s proprietor makes him hang up, but when he calls back a bit later, Angel says that Indian wants Jamal to tell the Scorpions about this in person, tomorrow night, near the swings in Marcus Garvey Park. Jamal is reluctant, but Angel says that if he doesn’t come, it’ll prove that he’s trying to “pull something.”
Sassy gets home. She asks if they had a half day of school, and Jamal lies that they did. She looks to Tito for the truth, who lies with his fingers crossed. Jamal walks Tito home. Tito wonders why Indian wants to meet Jamal in the park and asks what Jamal will do if Indian attacks him. Jamal says that he’ll follow Tito’s lead and just let Indian beat him up so that he can walk away and laugh it off.
When Jamal goes into school the next morning, Mr. Davidson takes him to the nurse’s office. They give him a form that they want his mother to sign, agreeing to let them administer a daily medicine to him to help him “stay calm.” Jamal asks if this means that she doesn’t have to come into school, and they say that she doesn’t if she signs the form.
At recess, classmates pressure Dwayne and Jamal to fight again. Dwayne is clearly reluctant to go near Jamal, and though Jamal would rather “shake hands” and be done with this rivalry, he doesn’t want to appear like a coward. Instead, he tells Dwayne to do what his mother old him to do and “stay away from me” (178).
When Jamal goes home, Mama and Sassy are discussing the fact that Mama has asked Mr. Stanton for a loan of $1,000 for Randy’s appeal. She’s fairly confident that he’ll give it to her because he’s so rich. The lawyer thinks that it will cost less now because the prison will be motivated to have Randy off their books since his healthcare is expensive. She dreams about Randy going back to school once he’s out, and Jamal dreams about working so that he can pay Mr. Stanton back. Later, Mr. Stanton calls to say that he will not lend them the money. Mama is graciously understanding but very dejected. Jamal offers to get her the money, and she hugs him and Sassy tight.
Jamal sits on the front step of Tito’s building, waiting for him to come out. Tito was supposed to sneak out to meet Jamal at 9:30, but it’s already 10. A “rail-thin wino” approaches Jamal and keeps trying to tell Jamal his “story” about how he used to be a talented basketball player, but Jamal keeps deflecting him. He doesn’t want to become like this person. Tito comes out with a bag of garbage, telling Jamal that Abuela is still awake, but he’ll sneak out as soon as he can. The “wino” lectures Jamal about not trusting Puerto Ricans. Tito finally manages to get out, but they’re going to be late for their meeting with Indian.
As they head to the park, Jamal tells Tito to hang back in the shadows with the gun. He instructs Tito to let Indian beat him up if it comes to that. He’ll run if he needs to. Two Jehovah’s Witnesses greet them at the park entrance, trying to spread God’s message.
Jamal finds Indian swinging at the playground, smoking a joint. Angel is there too. Jamal tells them that Randy wants them to get the money for his appeal and then Indian can take charge of the Scorpions. Indian says that Jamal can’t leave the gang unless he, the leader, says that he can go. Jamal pauses to look up at the stars but cannot bring himself to ask to leave, and the two older boys taunt him that he’s not so tough without his gun and his warlord. Indian and Angel start closing in on Jamal. They want to send a message to Randy by beating his younger brother up. They say that they’re going to get Mack too. They start punching and kicking Jamal. Jamal is about to pass out when he notices the flash of a knife blade. Angel is about to stab him when three loud cracks ring out. Tito runs out from the shadows and grabs Jamal. Angel is lying on the ground having almost fallen on Jamal, and Indian is crawling away. Tito and Jamal fearfully look around, but no one is coming to get them. They run out of the park where teenagers are dancing to a boombox.
Jamal and Tito run as hard and as far as they can until they collapse against a wall, out of breath. Jamal tells Tito that he saved his life, but Tito is sobbing uncontrollably. Jamal takes the gun from Tito’s hand and throws it in a dumpster, pouring more garbage over the top. Jamal tries to comfort and hold Tito while Tito vomits and lurches around. Jamal is worried that Indian, Angel, or one of the other Scorpions is going to come for them. He helps Tito into bed, where Abuela comes in to take care of him, and then runs home, fearing for his family since some of the gang know where Randy lived. He thinks about going back for the gun but is too frightened to do so. He sneaks upstairs quietly, checks that Sassy is alright, and tries unsuccessfully to sleep.
The next day, the school nurse gives Jamal a pill to treat his supposed hyperactivity. The pill makes him feel alright all day, if a bit sleepy, forgetful, and disengaged. A classmate tries to get him to fight with Dwayne again, but Jamal just laughs him off. Tito comes in at lunch, looking like he’s been crying all night. He says that there’s nothing about the shooting in the newspaper. Tito is upset and wants to come over to Jamal’s house. Jamal tries to comfort him, but he says that he can’t come over to his house because his mom’s too upset about Randy. The truth is that he’s afraid that the Scorpions will target them there.
At home, Mama tells them that the lawyer says that there’s nothing that he can do without money, but he does file a transfer request to get Randy moved to a different prison for safety. Both Mama and Sassy think that Jamal is acting strangely. Mama wants to get Jamal and Sassy away from Harlem before they get mixed up in crime too.
Mama skips a day of taking the bus to visit Randy and hauls the kids to church instead. Jamal tries to get out of it by saying that he’s not feeling well, but his mother is suspicious that he’s taking drugs. He reluctantly changes into his church clothes. He wonders if Randy is feeling scared like him. Jamal reflects that he hadn’t felt scared when he had the gun: “Maybe […] you got messed up easily when you had a gun, but at least you weren’t scared” (204).
Mack is waiting for him on the front steps of the apartment building as they exit. Mama gives Jamal five minutes to join her at church. Jamal listens in disbelief as Mack tells an elaborate story about how he shot Indian and Angel. Angel is dead from a shot in the head, and, when Indian went to the hospital to get his neck wound treated, he was taken into police custody. Now Indian is in jail with a lengthy sentence for possession.
Mack says that the Scorpions belong to him and Jamal now, but Jamal says that he “can’t carry it” (206). He tells Mack that he should be the top dog. With Mack staking claim to the shootings, the other gang members are ready to accept him as the new leader. Jamal asks if he’s going to get in trouble, but Mack says that he has too many friends in jail for Indian to be able to turn him in. He doesn’t think that the police will be after him for Angel’s death either because they don’t care when you “snuff somebody ain’t got nothing” (207).
Jamal tells Mack that he’ll tell Randy that Mack is taking over. Jamal wonders if Indian will try to make trouble for him, and Mack says that he won’t because you have to accept what goes down if you live by the rules of the street. Mack says that the Scorpions will still have Jamal’s back, and they slap hands on it as Mama comes back to get Jamal. He tells her that Mack is going to take over the Scorpions, which is what he thinks Randy would want.
Angel has a small funeral. The children in the street are talking about how cool it looked when the gang members all came out of the service in their Scorpions jackets and got into two new Lincoln cars that the crack dealers had lent them. One young boy claims to be a Scorpion.
Jamal went to visit Tito the week before the funeral and told him the update about Mack intentionally taking responsibility for the shooting to boost his street cred. Jamal realizes that Tito has been another casualty of the violence. Tito is sitting in his room alone in the dark and whispers about how he never wanted to kill anybody. Jamal tries to comfort him, but Abuela will not let him in the next time he tries to visit or speak to him on the phone because he’s “too sick.” Tito isn’t in school, and the secretary says that he’ll have to be held back a year if he doesn’t start attending.
Jamal begins sitting on the front steps of Tito’s building every afternoon. Abuela sometimes comes out when he’s there, but they don’t speak to one another. Mama is worried about Jamal and thinks that he’s using drugs. She wants to take him to North Carolina, but Jamal refuses to go.
It’s almost the end of fall semester. Jamal misses a homework assignment and is sent to Mr. Davidson’s office. The principal wants to move him to a school for “problem kids.” Jamal says that he’s fine with that, but Mrs. Rich advises him that he does not have to do what Mr. Davidson says. She says that Jamal can leave for a term and repeat this year, which she thinks would be better for him than getting mixed up with the rough students in the alternative school. Jamal shrugs but is secretly happy that she’s taking an interest in his fate.
Instead of going to school the next day, he goes to Tito’s stoop. He’s thinking about getting a job when Tito comes out. He looks pale and thin. He walks away, and Jamal follows. Jamal is concerned about Tito, but he’s also concerned about what Tito has told Abuela. Tito admits that he had to tell Abuela about the shooting because he was making himself sick by concealing the truth. She got a lawyer and made him go to the police with the story that he found a gun and used it when he was “jumped” in the park. He doesn’t think that the police cared about his crime. They charged him as juvenile and said that he didn’t have to serve any time if he went to Puerto Rico to live with his father. Tito is sobbing again. Jamal apologizes while Tito runs back into his building.
Jamal walks away, wishing that he could have said all the things he felt to Tito. However, he knows that Tito knows that Jamal often wishes that he still had the gun despite how much trouble it’s caused them. Abuela calls to let Mama know that they are leaving for Puerto Rico. Jamal decides to say goodbye on his own. Tito turns away when he sees Jamal approaching, but Jamal realizes that it’s just to hide his tears. Jamal promises to visit Tito in Puerto Rico once he gets his boat, which makes Tito smile. Jamal offers Tito the portrait that he drew of him. It’s the best work he’s ever done. Tito looks at it and hands it back, saying that he doesn’t look like that anymore. Tito runs to the cab, and Jamal watches the car pull away before walking dejectedly home. He hears someone call his name; it’s Tito. His cab is slowly coming toward Jamal. Tito runs out to hug and kiss Jamal. Tito takes the portrait from him after all, and they share one last meaningful look. Then, Tito runs back to the cab and is gone.
As Jamal begins walking again, the air suddenly feels colder. A kid that’s taller than him gives Jamal an appraising look as he passes. Jamal makes his expression so tough and hard that the kid looks away and “Jamal pulled his collar up against the wind” (216).
This last section includes the plot’s climax and its falling action. With another avenue for getting the money for Randy’s appeal shut down when the rich Mr. Stanton denies Mama the $1,000 loan in Chapter 16, Jamal still feels pressure to pay the lawyer’s bill in whatever way he can. Mama is forgiving and sympathetic to her employer. However, since Myers portrays Mr. Stanton through Jamal’s eyes, he shows the reader an exploitative view of Mr. Stanton’s employment of Mama that takes a toll on her while keeping all of them in poverty. The novel therefore offers a critique of the capitalist system—the system that Mr. Stanton upholds—which maintains socioeconomic disparities related to class and race in the novel. Similarly, through the lawyer who can barely remember Randy’s name and the prison which becomes motivated to release Randy after his medical care becomes too expensive, Myers offers critiques of the legal and penal systems. Like the streets, they are governed by money and power in the novel, not justice.
Myers’s critique of law enforcement is further illustrated by the police response to Angel’s killing. When Tito goes in to confess to the murder, he notes that he got off lightly because he “didn’t think they cared too much” (212). This impression echoes Mack’s assertion that Jamal isn’t going to be in any trouble with the cops because “you don’t get in no trouble you snuff somebody ain’t got nothing” (207). In both cases, Myers presents the police serving those with status and power. This perpetuates the problems in the neighborhood rather than intervening in it.
Throughout the novel, Jamal and Tito have been haunted by specters of the burned-out men of Harlem who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, and who were once kids like them. Myers uses negative and provocative language to portray these men through the children’s eyes. Jamal thinks of the conflicts that he’s forced to face as “messes,” and he sees these men who litter the parks and streets as the endpoint of dealing with so many similar conflicts. At one point, Tito refers to them as “thrown-away people,” reinforcing the association with “messes” and trash.
The characters use the term “winos” to refer to people with alcoholism; Myers uses such provocative language to emphasize the fact that the young characters see these people as constant reminders of the lives that they do not want to lead. However, Jamal cannot bring himself to heed their warnings. He believes that he and Tito can beat the odds by sticking together. Nevertheless, the last such specter, “a rail-thin wino” who insists on speaking to Jamal as he waits on Tito’s front step (182), heralds the busting apart of the two boys. The man is trying to warn Jamal that “I’m the same as you is” (183)—he once had promise and aspirations. Yet, Jamal refuses to engage with the man or acknowledge his points: “He didn’t want to be like him, or look like him, or see him” (184). His unwillingness to “see” these living warnings is an ominous foreshadowing of the tragedy to come.
These warnings build toward the climax of the novel: the shooting in the playground. The setting pointedly contrasts with the grim too-adult nature of their interaction. They should be playing there as children, but instead they’re attacking and killing each other. Indian is actually sitting in one of the swings taking drugs when Jamal turns up. Tito’s actions epitomize the theme of Brotherhood, Loyalty, and Sacrifice in this scene. Jamal is determined to follow Tito’s moral lesson and take the high ground, but his good intentions do not pan out. Tito makes the greatest sacrifice he can for his brother, Jamal. He commits a mortal sin to save his life. The aftermath of the shooting shows how this dramatic, seismic incident in Jamal and Tito’s lives has already been smoothly incorporated into the lore of the streets—myths that perpetuate gang activity. Mack claims the killing so that he can be a “big man.” Meanwhile, other children look up to the slain gang member and his crew, ignorant of the grisly realities: “All the kids on the block were saying how cool it was when the Scorpions busted out of the funeral parlor and into the cars” (209). This detail implies that the cycle of violence is set to continue.
In the end, the brotherhood that Jamal and Tito share isn’t sustainable, as they come of age in different ways. Jamal and Tito are not going to become like Randy and Mack, whose Brotherhood, Loyalty, and Sacrifice results in being destructive and aggressive toward almost everyone else. By the end of the novel, Tito has lied and killed for Jamal, a sacrifice that has made him physically ill and uprooted his life. While Jamal grows tougher in appearance and more evasive with each blow, Tito cannot adopt these masculine scripts. Tito becomes pale, thin, shaky, and regretful, like the “wino” who foreshadows their downfall. His tear-filled eyes (identified as feminine early in the novel for their long lashes) now “suddenly look like Abuela’s” (213), signaling that Tito is not, like Jamal, able to absorb his conflicts into a repressive ideal of manhood.
Jamal has become tougher, but he’s not escaped the fate of the “rail-thin wino” either. His school is medicating him for hyperactivity to such an extent that his mother thinks that he’s on “dope.” The pills serve as a coping mechanism just like alcohol was for Jamal’s father. Jamal notes that “he was really okay all day” after taking one the morning after the shooting (199). This provides another example in the novel of a negative cycle perpetuated by systemic problems.
Although Jamal does not stick with the gang in the end, these last chapters show that he has not escaped from The Pressures of Masculinity. Instead, Myers aligns Jamal’s increasing inability to communicate honestly with the messages that he receives about masculinity throughout the novel. He increasingly represses his emotions, being less open and vulnerable. For instance, Jamal is never able to fully apologize for getting and keeping the gun or not listening to Tito’s many warnings. The words that he wants to say “had lain in the bottom of his stomach like rocks weighing his whole life down” (213). His uncertainty reflects his account of his confused feelings when he is around his father earlier in the novel, “as if he was supposed to be doing something but didn’t know what it was” (96). In spite of that emotional burden and even though he knows the gun is the root of all their trouble, he thinks that Tito probably knows the truth: A “part of him, a part that was small and afraid, […] still wanted the gun” (214). By the end of the novel, Jamal is still yearning for the power and freedom from fear the gun granted him in a hostile environment. He sees his role as protective, relating to the patriarchal epithet throughout the novel of being “the man of the house” (38). He pushes away both Tito and Mama from possible retaliation by other members of the Scorpions, who know where Jamal lives, but he feels he cannot explain this to Tito or Mama.
The poignant goodbye that Jamal and Tito share is a moment of hope in an otherwise dismal ending. Both boys are scarred but have survived. However, Myers does not give the reader a definite indication as to what the future might hold—only one last glimpse of the street. This provides another cycle: The novel began with Jamal peering out at the same spot. At various points in the novel, the wind whips up on the streets to emphasize a moment of adversity, and this is the strongest one yet:
The wind picked up. It was colder, much colder than it had been. A tall kid in sneakers, walking the same direction that Jamal was, looked him over. Jamal tilted his head back and hardened his stare. The kid looked away. Jamal pulled his collar up against the wind (216).
The arc of the narrative has brought Jamal closer and closer to winter, the coldest season of the year and symbolic of this conclusion. Jamal feels “colder” now that his best friend has left—in many ways the warmest, most intimate, and reliable relationship that he had. Jamal “hardens” himself against an interaction with another “kid” that he encounters, illustrating that he has become tougher and more isolated. The ending’s ambiguity is intentional. Jamal has come of age and lost his innocence. He is susceptible to corruption under these conditions. His fate, like that of the neighborhood in which he’s determined to stay, hangs in the balance.
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