
68 pages 2 hours read

The Art of Seduction: An Indispensible Primer on the Ultimate Form of Power

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2001

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

Content Warning: The source material includes references to suicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, and incest.

“In the nineteenth century another great change occurred: politicians like Napoleon consciously saw themselves as seducers, on a grand scale…By seducing the masses they could accumulate immense power without the use of force.”

(Preface, Page xx)

People often view seduction as a tool in romantic interactions but rarely consider how leaders, corporations, and the media seduce the public to increase their power. Greene discusses political seduction in several chapters, particularly the chapter on Charismatics, which is devoted to political, social, and other leaders. This contrasts with the other chapters in the book, which mostly focus on sexual seduction. His discussion of political seduction differs from his discussion of romantic seduction because of its emphasis on seduction techniques that the seduced, or public, can recognize, compared to other chapters that emphasize techniques for seducers to use, from their perspective.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Seducers are people who understand the tremendous power contained in such moments of surrender. They analyze what happens when people are in love, study the psychological components of the process—what spurs the imagination, what casts a spell. By instinct and through practice they master the art of making people fall in love.”

(Preface, Page xxi)

This quote highlights Greene’s main goal to show seducers how to use psychology to make someone fall in love with them, then surrender to sex. It contains the essence of his argument that underscores the book’s three themes: Seduction Is Psychological, Seduction Is Adversarial, and Seduction Is About Power. He uses the words “power” and “surrender,” denoting an adversarial and imbalanced interaction and acknowledges the psychological study seducers need to make of their romantic interest. He reveals that the end goal is not a loving relationship, but a sexual encounter based on a false sense of love.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Creating love and enchantment becomes the model for all seductions—sexual, social, political. A person in love will surrender.”

(Preface, Page xxi)

Here, Greene equates sexual, social, and political seduction as based on love and enchantment. The masses could fall in love or become enchanted with a political or social leader, just as a person could fall in love with another person. This sense of love will then make the seduced person/people surrender to the seducer’s will. The element of surrender reveals how seduction is adversarial.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The main obstacle to becoming a seducer is this foolish prejudice we have of seeing love and romance as some kind of sacred, magical realm where things just fall into place, if they are meant to. This might seem romantic and quaint, but it is really just a cover for our laziness. What will seduce a person is the effort we expend on their behalf, showing how much we care, how much they are worth. Leaving things to chance is a recipe for disaster […] Falling in love is a matter not of magic but of psychology.”

(Preface, Page xxi)

Greene reveals a somewhat negative view of love, negating its sacred and magical quality and disparaging attitudes that people hold about love as being destined. This reflects his goal of showing how seduction is a purposeful process, outlined through specific, purposeful techniques implemented by the seducer. They require effort, which Greene contends shows that the seducer cares. However, seducers perform that effort for their interest, such as by proving oneself as evidence for one’s words. In a romantic interaction, a person might make a grand gesture for another person, but the book’s grand gestures are calculated performances to “make” someone fall in love. Seducers don’t actually want a caring relationship but care about getting what they want through specific tactics. This quote also reflects how seduction is psychological.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Pleasure is a feeling of being taken past our limits, of being overwhelmed—by another person, by an experience. People are dying to be overwhelmed, to let go of their usual stubbornness. Sometimes their resistance to us is a way of saying, Please seduce me.”

(Preface, Page xxiii)

Greene’s claim that people want to be seduced, despite their resistance, operates on the belief that people are afraid to express their true sexual desires. By arguing that resistance is a temporary obstacle, that a person’s resistance isn’t real, he advocates for pushing past people’s boundaries. This quote also defines pleasure not by its standard definition of enjoyment or satisfaction but as something achieved by pushing past “limits” and “being overwhelmed.”

Quotation Mark Icon

“Seduction is a kind of theater in real life, the meeting of illusion and reality.”

(Preface, Page xxiii)

Greene hints at an underlying argument that appears in many of the techniques, that illusion is necessary for seduction. The technique “Confuse Desire and Reality—The Perfect Illusion” emphasizes the argument that much of seduction is an illusion. In other chapters, Greene contends that seducers can create fantasies to lure their interests, change their appearance or demeanor, or pretend to be desirable to others. He also compares seducers to actors who can change their persona to fit any role, creating an illusory identity and the impression that the seducer is a performer and not genuine.

Quotation Mark Icon

 “Seduction was and will always remain the female form of power and warfare. It was originally the antidote to rape and violence. The man who uses this form of power on a woman is in essence turning the game around, employing feminine weapons against her.”

(Part 1, Chapter 4, Pages 44-45)

This is an example of Greene’s use of gender stereotypes throughout the book. The reference to seduction as a “female form of power and warfare” echoes his brief history of seduction in the Preface, in which he argues that women learned to use seduction against men to thwart their use of force if they refused sex. In Greene’s view, they instead used seductive techniques to cause men to chase them.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The opposite sex is a strange country we can never know, and this excites us, creates the proper sexual tension. But it is also a source of frustration and annoyance. Men do not understand how women think, and vice versa; each tries to make the other act more like a member of their own sex.”

(Part 1, Chapter 4, Page 50)

Discussing Dandies, Greene continues his use of gender stereotypes and a view of the sexes as more opposite than alike. He contends that this division generates tension because of a lack of understanding between the sexes and that Dandies have an advantage because they blend masculine and feminine traits and can more easily seduce the opposite sex by drawing them in with their own qualities.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The great seducers, those who seduce mass audiences, nations, the world, have a way of playing on people’s unconscious, making them react in a way they can neither understand nor control.”

(Part 1, Chapter 5, Page 59)

Greene alludes to the power of seduction to seduce not only individual people but film and television audiences, countries, and the world because of the psychological strategies involved. Seduction is psychological, and those who know how to use psychological techniques to impact a person’s unconscious succeed at seducing on a larger scale. He also describes how this process is beyond the control of those being seduced, implying how seduction is about power.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Human beings are immensely suggestible; their moods will easily spread to the people around them. In fact seduction depends on mimesis, on the conscious creation of a mood or feeling that is then reproduced by the other person.”

(Part 1, Chapter 5, Page 65)

This quote compares seduction to mimesis, which means imitation or mimicry in art, literature, or science. Seducers aim to create an emotional reaction in their romantic interest, drawing on their knowledge that seduction is psychological, to elicit a mood by using their own emotions to create it. The field of psychology calls this “mirroring.”

Quotation Mark Icon

 “An easy conquest has a lower value than a difficult one; we are only really excited by what is denied us, by what we cannot possess in full. Your greatest power in seduction is your ability to turn away, to make others come after you, delaying their satisfaction.”

(Part 1, Chapter 6, Page 71)

Greene uses adversarial language with the term “conquest,” which also relates to sexual conquests and people wanting what they can’t have, known as the “forbidden fruit effect” in psychology. He also draws on the psychological idea of delayed gratification, which he claims will increase the interest’s satisfaction when they win the seducer over. Seduction is both adversarial and psychological.

Quotation Mark Icon

“People are more complicated than the masks they wear in society. The man who seems so noble and gentle is probably disguising a dark side […] On the other hand, we are drawn to people who seem more comfortably human, who do not bother to disguise their contradictions.”

(Part 1, Chapter 8, Page 105)

Greene’s emphasis on the complicated nature of people and how they wear public masks illustrates the book’s overall idea that people repress their darker sides and impulses and that seduction is a means to express that side. This aligns with Freudian ideas about repression. Those who express that dark side, who do not “disguise” it, are more human to Greene because they do not allow it to remain repressed.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Seduction is a process that occurs over time—the longer you take and the slower you go, the deeper you will penetrate into the mind of your victim […] this section will arm you with a series of tactics that will help you get out of yourself and into the mind of your victim, so that you can play it like an instrument.”

Part 2, Preface
, Page 163)

Greene emphasizes how seduction is psychological, and the use of the words “victim” and “tactics” reflect how seduction is adversarial and a planned process that seducers put into action, rather than decided upon by two consenting parties. Playing a victim’s mind “like an instrument” reveals the dark nature of the book’s psychological seduction process, treating the person like an object to be played with.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Our desire for another person almost always involves social considerations; we are attracted to those who are attractive to other people. We want to possess them and steal them away. You can believe all the sentimental nonsense you want to about desire, but in the end, much of it has to do with vanity and greed.”

(Part 2, Chapter 4, Page 199)

In discussing how creating love triangles increases a seducer’s desirability, Greene reveals a harsh attitude toward sentimentality that supports his argument for seduction, which has little to do with romance. Although a few of the book’s techniques seem romantic, such as proving oneself, they are not romantic by themselves. They serve as manipulative tactics not meant for romance but for the end goal of sex. The quote also portrays the darker side of humans in its mention of “vanity and greed,” a dark side Greene taps into in his techniques, and that he argues all people have but repress. Seduction allows it to come out.

Quotation Mark Icon

“You cannot seduce without an ability to get outside your own skin and inside another person’s, piercing their psychology. The key to seductive language is not the words you utter, or your seductive tone of voice; it is a radical shift in perspective and habit.”

(Part 2, Chapter 10, Page 258)

Seduction is psychological because it requires that the seducer step outside of their own mind and focus on that of their romantic interest. They must choose their words wisely, based on their end goal. They cannot be themselves or speak freely; they must focus on seductive, not spontaneous, language. This reflects the book’s underlying tone of overt manipulation.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Since time immemorial, women have known that within the most apparently self-possessed man is an animal whom they can lead by filling his senses with the proper physical lures.”

(Part 2, Chapter 11, Page 273)

This quote reflects the book’s emphasis on gender stereotypes and Greene’s claim that women originated seduction. It puts all women in one group, a group that uses their “feminine wiles” against men, creating an adversarial relationship. By referring to the man as an “animal,” it evokes the primal nature of seduction and the overpowering nature of the physical elements of seduction that a person cannot rationally resist.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Most people want to be seduced. If they resist your efforts, it is probably because you have not gone far enough to allay their doubts—about your motives, the depth of your feelings, and so on.”

(Part 2, Chapter 16, Page 321)

This quote appears as a suggestion to be open and honest, but it tells seducers to prove themselves to their interest through a calculated action made for an end goal. Greene also repeats his attitude that resistance doesn’t actually mean resistance, reinforcing a dangerous assumption about pushing people’s boundaries. He tells seducers to keep pushing, this time by proving themselves through actions.

Quotation Mark Icon

“And just as the child struggles against sexual feelings toward the parent, the parent must repress comparable erotic feelings that lie just beneath the tenderness they feel. The best and most insidious way to seduce people is often to position yourself as the child. Imagining themselves stronger, more in control, they will be lured into your web.”

(Part 2, Chapter 17, Page 347)

Drawing on Freudian psychoanalysis, Greene suggests that seducers help their romantic interests act out the repressed feelings and unconscious sexual desires they felt as a child toward a parent. When the seducer acts as the child, this creates both a psychological impact and sense of power, two of the book’s themes. By allowing the interest to feel like they have power, the seducer psychologically manipulates them and gains the real power.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The greatest obstacle to the physical part of the seduction is the target’s education, the degree to which he or she has been civilized and socialized. Such education conspires to constrain the body, dull the senses, fill the mind with doubts and worries. Flynn had the ability to return a woman to a more natural state, in which desire, pleasure, and sex had nothing negative attached to them.”

(Part 2, Chapter 22, Page 400)

Greene shows how the mind gets in the way of bodily pleasures. Many people use sex as a way to free their minds, so this aligns with the physical senses providing an escape from one’s worries. He also addresses how a person who has been “civilized and socialized” is faced with an obstacle because of the negative connotations people learn from society about sex.

Quotation Mark Icon

“When the mind focuses on one thing it relaxes, all the paranoid thoughts that we are prone to […] vanish from the surface. Remember: it all starts with you. Be undistracted, present in the moment, and the target will follow suit. The intense gaze of the hypnotist creates a similar reaction in the patient.”

(Part 2, Chapter 22, Page 402)

This quote echoes Greene’s earlier arguments about making the romantic interest mirror the seducer’s mood and that successful seducers are like hypnotists who can cover up their manipulations. The word “patient” reflects the psychological nature of seduction, as the hypnotist here is not a magician but a practitioner looking for a change in a person through their hypnotic techniques. Seducers similarly hope to transform their interest’s mind and behavior through their tactics.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Seduction, like warfare, is often a game of distance and closeness. At first you track your enemy from a distance. Your main weapons are your eyes, and a mysterious manner.”

(Part 2, Chapter 22, Page 403)

This quote reflects the theme that seduction is adversarial and deepens it to illustrate how the distance and closeness used by seducers through their physical presence is like that of war. The words “weapons” and “enemy” support the adversarial tone.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Think of seduction as a world you enter, a world that is separate and distinct from the real world. The roles are different here; what works in daily life can have the opposite effect in seduction. The real world features a democratizing, leveling impulse, in which everything has to seem at least something like equal […] You can throw all of that out, revel in your dark side, inflict a little pain—in some ways be more yourself. Your naturalness in this respect will prove seductive in itself.”

(Part 2, Chapter 23, Pages 409-410)

By acknowledging that seduction differs from real-world behavior, Greene reveals its falseness and imbalance. He admits that seduction is not about equality. He also mentions how it allows seducers to express their dark side, which he often remarks is repressed. To him, this is more real than the real world because it is more honest. Although the naturalness he emphasizes is boldness toward the end of the seduction process, this follows many other previous techniques requiring conscious manipulation. The bold move, too, requires calculated decisions about when to enact it.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Comfort and security are the death of seduction. A shared journey with a little bit of hardship will do more to create a deep bond.”

(Part 2, Chapter 24, Page 425)

Greene describes how seduction requires conflict and tension and how continued seduction after the first sexual encounter requires a continuing mix of pleasure and pain, warning against comfort and security. This quote reflects his emphasis on how seduction is adversarial, even when it turns into a long-term relationship.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Nothing can last forever. You have created pleasure for your victims, stirring them out of their rut. If you make a clean quick break, in the long run they will appreciate it […] The victim should be sacrificed, not tortured.”

(Part 2, Chapter 24, Page 426)

After many chapters focusing on the seducer’s desires and a lack of concern for the interest’s feelings, Greene acknowledges the importance of not torturing a person too much. Earlier chapters suggest inflicting emotional pain, creating confusion, and being cruel to an interest, but the final chapter addresses making a clean break when the seduction is over. This only occurs after the seducer gets what they wanted.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Seduction is the ultimate form of power. Those who give in to it do so willingly and happily. There is rarely any resentment on their part; they forgive you any kind of manipulation because you have brought them pleasure.”

(Part 2, Appendix B, Page 443)

Greene campaigns for seduction as something that both parties want, arguing that seduction is enjoyable, at least for a time, for both parties. Greene complicates physical pleasure and emotional pain, believing that the art of seduction releases something repressed in the seduced party. Both this quote and the larger text operate on the belief that seduction taps into the innate desires of both the seducer and the seduced.

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