74 pages • 2 hours read
Chapter Summaries & Analyses
Key Figures
Index of Terms
Important Quotes
Essay Topics
Alexander Hamilton says plainly that his goal in writing these essays is to convince voters—specifically those in his home state of New York—to ratify the US Constitution. The authors will argue that a union between the states will be useful to voters’ “political prosperity” (4) and that the current confederation of states is insufficient for ensuring that prosperity. Moreover, the following essays will describe how the proposed Constitution conforms to “the true principles of republican government” (4).
John Jay argues for the necessity of a union “under one Federal government,” as opposed to a loose confederation of separate states. On the matter of whether having a strong federal government would risk the loss of individual rights, Jay writes, “[W]henever and however [government] is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers” (5).
Jay elaborates on the argument made in the previous essay by stating that the safety of a nation’s people is its most pressing concern. With that in mind, he believes a union is better able to protect its people from foreign wars than a loose confederation of states because a single union will approach treaties with foreign nations consistently and justly. However, if given autonomy, any of the 13 states—particularly those bordering British, Spanish, and Indigenous territories—may violate treaties in impulsive and unpredictable ways that do not serve the broader American interest and that may eventually lead to unnecessary war and bloodshed.
In a third essay on the topic of national defense, Jay argues that a strong unified government will be best positioned to discourage attacks from foreign nations seeking to wage unjust war—either to bully America out of international markets or to fulfill the personal ambitions of monarchs for glory or revenge. By contrast, 13 separate states or three confederations will be unable to pool the talent of a larger whole toward a unified purpose. “What would the militia of Britain be,” Jay asks, “if the English militia obeyed the government of England, if the Scotch militia obeyed the government of Scotland, and if the Welsh militia obeyed the government of Wales?” (15).
In a final essay on national defense, Jay believes it is a certainty that America, if broken into three or four confederacies, would devolve into warring factions. Rather than ally with one another, these confederacies would just as likely strike separate alliances with foreign nations, creating a result in which “the foreign nation with whom the SOUTHERN confederacy might be at war would be the one with whom the NORTHERN confederacy would be the most desirous of preserving peace and friendship” (19).
Hamilton outlines the risks of dissensions between the states should America remain broken up into separate confederacies. He predicts these disputes because “men are ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious” (20).
Hamilton concludes by warning against adopting a Utopian attitude about the nature of humanity and society. He emphasizes that Americans are not exempt from the evils and weaknesses that long afflicted Europe, pointing to recent rebellions over economic downturns in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Therefore, it must safeguard against the temptations of violence by forming a unified government with shared national interests.
Having outlined why violent disagreements between disunited confederacies are likely, Hamilton details the specific types of disputes that may arise. He believes territorial disputes would be very common, particularly given how much of North America is unclaimed and unsettled by white men. Without a federal arbiter able to enforce rulings, territorial disputes between states will devolve into bloodshed, Hamilton writes.
Other disputes may emerge over economic advantages and disadvantages specific to each state. A state will pass and enforce regulations that result in economic benefits for its inhabitants and economic harm to its neighbors, which Hamilton writes “would naturally lead to outrages, and these to reprisals and wars” (28).
Finally, disputes will arise over each state’s obligation to the national debt and how public benefits are apportioned. As states argue over whose citizens should pay this debt and in what amounts, foreign creditors will grow uneasy, leading to what Hamilton calls “the double contingency of external invasion and internal contention” (29). Even if the states come to an agreement, Hamilton expects numerous states to fail in making these payments, either due to lack of resources, financial mismanagement, or sheer reluctance to part with money.
After establishing the likelihood of armed disputes between states, Hamilton outlines additional dangers aside from the immediate threat of greater bloodshed. With states so continually at risk of invasion from their neighbors, each would be forced to maintain a standing army for its citizens’ defense. However, Hamilton believes that standing armies (armies maintained during peacetime) may be detrimental to liberty and the overall wellbeing of private citizens. Building these armies and fortifications requires such a large expansion of the executive branch that states would be at risk of becoming monarchies. Moreover, Hamilton argues, the growth of a military state degrades the vigor of the civil state, as private citizens become inclined to rely too heavily on the military for protection, opening the door to oppression.
Before arguing on behalf of a union’s ability to safeguard against violent domestic turmoil, Hamilton admits that older republics in Greece failed to stave off internal dissension and violent revolutions; they were positioned perpetually between “tyranny and anarchy” (36). Yet he contends that it is a mistake to reject republican government and civil liberty based on centuries-old examples like these. Hamilton writes that new innovations in republican government—including legislative checks and balances, judges who may be removed for malpractice, and representative democracy—help calm the see-saw of tyranny and anarchy that afflicted more ancient republics.
Next, Hamilton directly counters his opponents who cite the French philosopher Montesquieu in defense of their anti-Federalist views. Montesquieu wrote that republics work best when limited to a very small geographic territory, and therefore anti-Federalists believe that America is far too large to function as a unified republic. Yet Hamilton points out that Montesquieu’s definition of small would also disqualify most individual states as too big to be republics, and therefore the argument is moot. Furthermore, Hamilton argues that Montesquieu’s solution to expanding the reach of popular government is not to divide republican territories into ever smaller factions but rather to unite separate states into a single Union in which states remain separate constituents which are nevertheless subordinate to a central federal authority. This, Hamilton writes, “reconcil[es] the advantages of monarchy with those of republicanism” (38). Under this balance, a great measure of individual liberty is preserved while maintaining the ability of a central government to put down popular insurrections in single states.
In his first essay, James Madison says the most important quality of a Union is “its tendency to break and control the violence of faction” (41). He defines a faction as “a number of citizens [...] united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adversed to the rights of the other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community” (41). As long as the application of human reason remains fallible, such factions are inevitable unless one is willing to abolish the liberty that gives rise to them, a remedy that Madison calls “worse than the disease” (42). He adds that “the most common and durable source of factions has been the various and unequal distribution of property” (43). Given the inevitability of factions, Madison believes that systems of governments should be designed to combat their effects rather than aim to remove their causes, which are intractable in a free society.
The biggest challenges, Madison writes, arise when a faction includes a majority of the people. In these cases, the majority must be prevented from effecting schemes that oppress the minority. To this point, Madison argues on behalf of a representative republic as opposed to a pure democracy. In the former, the government delegates tasks to a small number of citizens elected by the whole. These elected officials will ideally be imbued with the wisdom, sense of justice, and love of country to carry out their duties faithfully and without bowing to the passions of various factions. However, these officials may also betray the confidence of the people by elevating their own fortunes over that of the country. Madison believes that large republics are best suited to diminishing the chances of this outcome for two reasons. One, a large republic allows for a large governing body which will be less susceptible to the misdeeds of individual actors or small groups of actors. Two, an elected official of a large republic must garner the votes of a large group of people and therefore is more likely to be a worthy candidate.
Hamilton writes that America’s enterprising approach toward commerce has “excited uneasy sensations in several of the maritime powers of Europe” (48). Yet if voters do not ratify the Constitution, and America is left as a loose group of states and confederacies, Hamilton says Europe will breathe a sigh of relief. With no strong federal navy to protect its commercial interests, America will be unable to meet its promise as a burgeoning maritime power while Europe will monopolize trade profits in the New World.
Hamilton stresses the importance of revenue for any nation, young or old. Yet vibrant commerce is not enough to sustain revenues in America, in large part because its citizens are, by mentality and circumstance, reluctant to pay state or federal taxes directly to the government. Instead, America must rely on “indirect taxes,” primarily in the form of import taxes.
However, Hamilton expects revenues from import taxes to remain insufficient if the country remains a confederation of separate states rather than a Union. This is because it will be too burdensome for each state to patrol its many inroads and waterways to stop the flow of contraband across borders. Hamilton points to the tens of thousands of patrols needed in France to guard against illegal imports from neighboring countries.
As a union, however, America would need only to patrol its Atlantic coast. Hamilton views this as a huge revenue opportunity, given that average duties on imports into America are currently three percent, whereas in France they are 15 percent and in Britain around 20 percent. America, he says, could easily raise its import tax to nine percent, tripling revenue without alienating foreign trade partners.
In a brief essay, Hamilton lays out the simple supposition that the administration of one federal government will be much less costly and more economical than the administration of several federal governments.
Madison revisits the objections he countered in Federalist No. 10 concerning the impracticability of administering a republic over an area as large as the 13 states. He further reiterates that this belief is rooted in false semantics that equate a republic, in which the people elect representatives to make and execute laws, and a pure democracy, in which all citizens participate in policymaking directly.
While reading and analyzing The Federalist Papers, it is crucial to understand the historical backdrop against which it was written. Prior to 1776, the 13 American colonies belonged to Great Britain. In the preceding decade, opposition against Britain grew precipitously, with most objections centered on Britain’s aggressive attempts to tax the colonists while depriving them of political agency and representation. In 1776, America declared its independence, ushering in the American Revolutionary War which would last until 1783.
In order to better coordinate the war effort, the colonies united under an alliance known as the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, each state retained its independence and sovereignty under a weak central government which existed largely to regulate and fund the Continental Army. Yet after the war was won, the states paid little mind to its obligations to fund this central government. This left the government unable to pay the substantial foreign debts it amassed during the war and the domestic debts it owed to soldiers. Moreover, the states blocked other federal efforts to raise revenue through import duties and excise taxes, exacerbating the debt crisis. With European lines of credit suddenly cut off for both the central government and private merchants, the credit crunch trickled down to yeoman farmers, who found themselves in deep debt and unable to secure new loans.
One of these yeoman farmers, Massachusetts’ Daniel Shays, marched on a federal armory in 1787 along with 4,000 other rebels—many of whom, like Shays, were deeply indebted farmers and veterans who never received compensation for their contributions to the war. With no funding to raise an army, the federal government was powerless to stop the rebellion. Shays’ Rebellion was only quelled when the state of Massachusetts, using funds procured from local merchants, raised its own militia to stop the rebels.
Although it failed, Shays’ Rebellion was a major wakeup call for Americans who suddenly saw how ill-equipped the country was to stop a domestic insurrection, let alone a foreign invasion from Britain or Spain. This led to the establishment of a Constitutional Convention held in Philadelphia in 1787 and attended by 55 delegates, including Hamilton and Madison. After drafting a Constitution based in large part on Madison’s Virginia Plan, the document was sent to the 13 states for ratification, nine of which would be required to approve it. Almost immediately, opponents to the Constitution, led by men like Patrick Henry and other so-called anti-Federalists, began publishing anonymous essays warning that a strong federal government would infringe on the sovereignty of the states, make America too much like a monarchy, and infringe on individual rights. Countering these objections was the principal motive behind writing The Federalist Papers.
Readers should also consider various terms used by the authors, the meanings of which have evolved considerably since the 1780s. For example, the term “Federalism” as defined by the authors’ contemporaries broadly signifies the division of power between the federal government and state governments, as designated by the US Constitution. Anti-Federalism thus signifies a set of objections to how this power is divided, with most objections claiming that the Constitution grants the federal government too much power. After the Constitution’s ratification, the word “Federalist” became associated with the Federalist Party, from which Madison broke away as the party—particularly via policies favored by Hamilton—sought an enlargement of the federal government’s powers beyond those granted by the US Constitution. Following the decline of the Federalist Party in 1815, the term faded from mainstream usage until the 1980s, when Republicans led by President Ronald Reagan adopted the term to describe a movement to return greater power to the states as pushback to presumed federal overreach under Democratic presidents like Franklin D. Roosevelt. This usage is shared by the modern-day Federalist Society, a libertarian and conservative organization which has “diligently shift[ed] the country’s judiciary to the right.” (Kruse, Michael. “The Weekend at Yale that Changed American Politics.” Politico Magazine. 2 February 2019). All of this is to say that modern definitions of “Federalist” should be applied with caution when discussing The Federalist Papers.
The terms “republic” and “democracy” are also in need of some contextual analysis. Although Madison talks at length about the dangers of democracy in Federalist No. 10, this should not be interpreted as anti-democratic in the modern sense of the word. The democracies which Madison fears will lead to faction and alternating periods of tyranny and anarchy are pure democracies (as in Athens in the 5th century B.C.E.) where every citizen takes an active role in policymaking. American democracy, as defined today, is closer to what Madison defines as a republic: a form of government in which the people exercise power through elected representatives. With respect to the United States, the term democracy would come into common use a few years later when Madison and Thomas Jefferson created the Democratic-Republican Party as a response to the perceived elitism and anti-agrarianism of Hamilton’s Federalist Party. For purposes of understanding The Federalist Papers, however, what is important to remember is that when the authors use phrases like republic or republicanism, they refer to what modern readers would be more likely to label democracy.
The first 14 essays focus predominantly on the advantages of federal sovereignty in areas of national defense, foreign trade, and interstate commerce. They also establish a few overarching themes which emerge throughout the 85 essays. One is the influence of Enlightenment ideals on the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. Of particular importance is the notion of the social contract. Pioneered by the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes and further elucidated by English philosopher John Locke and French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the social contract requires that people give up some of their natural rights to a sovereign authority in exchange for specific benefits—namely, the preservation of their bodily safety and the protection of other rights, such as the right to personal property. In Federalist No. 2, Jay expresses the importance of this bargain, writing, “Nothing is more certain than the indispensable necessity of government, and it is equally undeniable, that whenever and however it is instituted, the people must cede to it some of their natural rights in order to vest it with requisite powers” (5). This balance, between individual liberties and the extent to which the government should co-opt some of those liberties to protect others, is the most important issue facing the authors. Furthermore, it is the resolution of this issue that comprises the ultimate objective of both the US Constitution and, by extension, The Federalist Papers which defend it.
This leads to a secondary point of why social contracts with governments are needed at all. The authors’ answer is that they take a qualified view of humanity’s capacity for goodness. Society depends on the restraints imposed by government. In Federalist No. 6, Hamilton describes humans as “ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious” (20), and again and again he and Madison will warn of the evils of which humans are capable. This is not to say that the authors are wholly pessimistic about the human race, however. If they were, they would not have devoted their lives to the formation of a government designed to maximize liberty, justice, and harmony among its people (granting the qualification that the authors are free white men who are referring to free white men when they say “people”).
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