42 pages • 1 hour read
Part 2 examines the four turnings of the “Millennial Saeculum.” The saeculum’s first turning, what the authors call the “American High,” began just after World War II and lasted until the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. Americans assumed that the post-war era would be similar to the cynical 1920s and hard-bitten 1930s, but instead the nation was upbeat, the economy began thriving, and an unprecedented baby boom began taking shape. Additionally, the middle class grew, the gap between rich and poor narrowed, and two important characteristics of all first turnings began to emerge: People viewed government as effective and large institutions as trustworthy. As with all first turning highs, “[I]t cleaned up after the crisis that came before and set the table for the awakening to follow” (149).
Strauss and Howe argue that highs produce their characteristic moods because of the new life-cycle phase that each archetype is then entering. For example, as nomads replace prophets in elderhood, they slow the pace of social change (151); as heroes replace nomads in midlife, they establish an upbeat, constructive ethic of social discipline (151); as artists replace heroes in young adulthood, they become sensitive helpmates by lending their expertise and cooperation (152); and as prophets replace artists in childhood, they are nurtured with increasing indulgence by optimistic adults in a secure environment (152). The authors explain that “[T]he behavior of each generation contrasts sharply with its predecessor’s at the same age—in each case catching society by surprise” (153).
In terms of specific generations entering into their new phases of life, the Lost Generation (1883-1900) began entering elderhood; the G.I. Generation (1901-1924) began entering midlife; the Silent Generation born from (1925-1942) entered into young adulthood; and the Boom Generation, or “Baby Boomers,” entered into childhood (1943-1960). According to the authors, the life-cycle roles of the Lost, G.I., Silent, and Boomer Generations “pushed the entire society toward public order, family stability, conformity, institution building, and a belief in secular progress” (169). The chapter concludes, however, with the warning that the mood of the American High, like the moods of all turnings, could not last indefinitely. As each of the four archetypes began moving into its next phase of life, none showed any signs of accepting the role its predecessor had assumed at the same age. The spark for the next turning came on November 22, 1963, with the assassination of President Kennedy.
Chapter 7 explores the most recent second turning, the era described by Strauss and Howe as the “Consciousness Revolution.” The era lasted from the death of President Kennedy in 1963 until the reelection of Ronald Reagan in 1984. The chapter follows the same framework as the previous one in that the authors describe the era and the characteristics of the turning, then apply the generational constellation to it.
Although the economy continued to roar, drastic changes in the mood of the nation were taking place in the mid-1960s. The Republican Party ushered in a new angry tone in politics by nominating Senator Barry Goldwater as its presidential candidate, violent protests were unfolding in many inner cities, and the free speech movement on college campuses was getting underway. Issues of conscience and dissent were the new mindset. The authors explain that to this new mindset, “[S]ocial authority came at an unacceptable cost: Corporations crushed the individual, police oppressed the poor, academe smothered creativity, and parents deformed the child’s psyche” (172). Later in the 1960s, the Vietnam War became the awakening’s epicenter, galvanizing fierce public debate and protest about America’s role in Asia.
Strauss and Howe argue the following:
[A]n awakening is an era of cultural upheaval and spiritual renewal. It begins when the waxing social discipline of the high suddenly seems tiresome, unfulfilling, illegitimate, and unjust—and when people begin to defy it in the name of spiritual authenticity (176).
At the same time that this gradual mood shift takes place, the generational archetypes begin moving into their next life phase. As heroes replace nomads in elderhood, their grand secular constructions set the stage for the spiritual goals of the young (177). As artists replace heroes in midlife, they apply expertise and process to improve society while also calming the passions of the youth (178). As prophets replace artists in young adulthood, they challenge the moral failure of institutions built by elders and spark a society-wide spiritual awakening (178). As nomads replace prophets in childhood, they are left under-protected during the social upheaval while adults embrace self-discovery.
In terms of specific generations entering into their new phases of life, the GI Generation, which had earlier defeated fascism and survived the Depression, entered into elderhood as the most economically and politically powerful elder generation in history. The Silent Generation entered midlife as the most upwardly mobile generation in American history. Baby Boomers entered young adulthood seemingly intent on purifying institutions and the old social order rather than building or improving them. The 13th Generation, or “Generation X,” born between 1961 and 1981, entered childhood at a time when American society and culture focused more on adults than children. By the early 1980s, it was clear that the enthusiasm and turmoil of the 1960s and 1970s was passing and a new agenda was being set—that “[T]he time for grand social movements had passed” (199). According to the authors, the generational archetypes were all primed for a new direction that would occur in the third turning.
Chapter 8 examines the third turning, an unraveling era that the authors refer to as the “Culture Wars.” The turning began in 1984, just before President Ronald Reagan won a second term on a largely anti-government platform. At the time of the book’s writing, the third turning was more than half over, with the authors predicting that the unraveling would shift to a fourth turning crisis sometime around the middle of the 2000s. As had been the case with all third turnings, the civic attitude of the populace was the polar opposite of what it had been in the first turning high—public trust in government and institutions was low, but self-esteem was high. By the end of the 1980s, the gap between rich and poor had widened drastically, the Reagan administration had ballooned the national deficit, homelessness had surged, and a drug and crime epidemic was taking place in many cities. In the 1990s, the profound political and social divisions came to be known as the culture war.
Explaining the private/public mood shift of the unraveling, Strauss and Howe argue that America in the 1990s was “moving into an archetypal constellation that [was] reaching an apogee of inner (private) power and a nadir of outer (public) power” (207). The archetypal constellation that was emerging saw artists replace heroes in elderhood, quickening the pace of social change while shunning the old order in favor of complexity and sensitivity (209). Judgmental prophets were replacing artists in midlife while preaching values and moral conviction. Alienated nomads of the 13th Generation were replacing Boomer Generation prophets in young adulthood, lending their pragmatism and independence to an era of growing social turmoil (210). Millennial Generation heroes were replacing nomads in childhood and being nurtured with increasing protection by adults who had grown cynical about their insecure environment.
Now in elderhood, the Silent Generation lacked the gravitas of the G.I. Generation and the passion of Boomers, but it was a flexible mediator between the two neighboring generations. The authors predict that in the new millennium, the Silent would devote their final years to trying to bring people together and make life fairer. Now in midlife, the Boom Generation had transformed from the youth raging against the elite into the values-obsessed cultural elite. In the new millennium, the authors predict that “[A]s Boomers move more deeply into midlife, their collective mindset will grow more judgmental, snobbish, and severe” (229). Now in young adulthood, the 13th Generation had grown accustomed to the criticisms that labeled them a “nowhere generation” and a “high-expectation, low-sweat generation” (233), but their commitment to diversity and volunteerism was unique. As Millennial Generation children were born in the 1980s and 90s, America transitioned from the underprotection of children into a society that again focused on child safety and development. The authors predict that in the 21st century the Millennium Generation “[would] build a reputation for beating adult expectations” (249).
In Chapter 9, Strauss and Howe examine fourth turnings throughout history. They begin the chapter reflecting back on V-J Day in 1945 and the hope and teamwork that existed in that crisis era. A fourth turning, according to the authors, “is a solstice era of maximum darkness, in which the supply of social order is still falling but the demand for order is rising” (255). They provide a morphology of crisis eras, stating that each one begins with a catalyst, which is a startling event that produces a shift in mood. Once catalyzed, a society achieves a regeneracy, which is a reenergizing and reunification of civic life (256). The regenerated society then propels toward a climax, a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and the birth of the new order (256). Finally, the climax culminates with a resolution, which is either a triumphant or tragic conclusion that separates the winners from losers, resolves the big public questions, and establishes the new order (256).
The authors then focus on the six previous fourth turnings in Anglo-American history, dating back to the 15th century. In reverse chronological order, these include the Great Depression and World War II (1929-1946) during the Great Power Saeculum; the Civil War (1860-1865) during the Civil War Saeculum; the American Revolution (1773-1794) during the Revolutionary Saeculum; the Glorious Revolution (1675-1704) during the New World Saeculum; the Armada Crisis (1569-1594) during the Reformation Saeculum; and the War of the Roses (1459-1487) during the Late Medieval Saeculum. Just as each of these fourth turning crisis eras featured a catalyst, a regeneracy, a climax, and a resolution, they also featured the same archetypal lineup: prophet children born after the previous crisis stimulate the next one in elderhood; nomad children born during an awakening become pragmatic midlife managers of crisis; hero children born during unravelings become the powerful young adult soldiers of crisis; and the children of the current crisis come of age afterward as artist youths.
In closing Part 1 of their book, Strauss and Howe note that Part 2, titled “Turnings,” will be part history and part prophecy. The section begins with the end of World War II, runs through the then-present-day 1990s, and extends into the first two decades of the 21st century, which the authors predict will be the fourth turning crisis era of the Millennial Saeculum. The first three chapters of Part 2 are straightforward historical chronicles of the saeculum’s first three turnings. These include the first turning or “American High” (1946-1964), the second turning or “Consciousness Revolution” (1964-1984), and the third turning or “Culture Wars,” beginning in 1984 and predicted to last until the middle of the 2000s. Because the fourth turning had yet to begin at the time of the book’s publication, the authors use Chapter 9 to examine previous fourth turning in history.
The first three chapters in Part 2 follow the same structure: The authors look at each of the four archetypes in that specific turning, then examine the specific generations and the life phases they were entering in that era, and close the chapters by looking ahead to the next turning. The two primary themes of time and seasonality are present in each of the first three chapters, and the literary technique of foreshadowing emerges in Chapter 9 as the authors examine the then-unfolding third turning. Early in Chapter 6, Strauss and Howe explain that two markers, V-J Day and the Kennedy assassination, “bracket an era variously knows as ‘Pax Americana,’ ‘Good Times,’ the ‘Best Years,’ ‘Happy Days,’ and the ‘American High’” (147). While the American High is commonly said to have begun in 1946, its technical beginning was V-J Day on August 15, 1945, marking the end of World War II. The era continued through the 1950s and into the early 1960s, lasting until President John F. Kennedy’s assassination on November 22, 1963, which changed the mood of the nation drastically.
V-J Day in 1945 not only marked the end of World War II, but also the end to the Great Power saeculum, which had begun following the Civil War in 1865. It also marked the end to that previous saeculum’s long fourth turning: the crisis era that had begun with the Great Depression in 1929. As World War II came to a close, Americans longed for unity and better times but did not expect them. Economists predicted a new depression, and demographers predicted a sharp decline in America’s birth rate. Instead, just the opposite happened as troops returned home—the American economy soared and a drastic increase in birth rate, later known as the Baby Boom, began. Additionally, the middle class grew each year, the gap between rich and poor narrowed, and family incomes rose.
Unexpected as it seemed at the time, for Strauss and Howe, this high emerged as part of a predictable pattern. Since the 15th century, there have been six first turning high eras in Anglo-American history. Strauss and Howe explain that “[A]ll such eras mark the construction of a new social order. All are regarded, in their own time and after, as ‘postwar’” (149). They also explain the archetypal lineup in all first turning high eras: Nomads replace prophets in elderhood, slowing the pace of social change in favor of simplicity and survivalism; heroes replace nomads in midlife, establishing an upbeat, constructive ethic of social discipline; artists replace heroes in young adulthood, emerging as sensitive and cooperative teammates who aid the social calm; prophets replace artists in childhood, becoming indulged children whom adults nurture in a secure environment.
In each of these chapters discussing the turnings of the Millennial Saeculum, the authors transition to the next by explaining to readers how the mood of the nation gradually shifts and the next turning emerges. The inevitable mood shift to the awakening era came about gradually—the American High had already drawn criticism for its conformity and lowbrow materialism—but arose fully when Kennedy was assassinated in late 1963. Strauss and Howe argue that the tragic event “became a personal milestone for nearly everyone alive at the time” (171). The following year “brought the opening skirmishes of several new movements whose full meaning would reveal itself over the next two decades” (171). In addition to discussing the characteristics of these volatile social movements of the 1960s, the authors also delve into popular culture in order to clarify how the mood of the nation was quickly changing. Three major apocalyptic Hollywood films of 1964 symbolize the erosion of trust in the government: Dr. Strangelove, Fail-Safe, and Seven Days in May. By the end of the decade, films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Barbarella depicted a future world in which mind, body, and machine intersected in new ways—a reflection of an awakening era’s interest in new ways of spiritual being. Also later in the decade of the 1960s, the assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. completed what the authors call an “assassination trilogy.” Add to that the fallout over the Vietnam War and Watergate in the early 1970s, and the awakening era was in full force.
At the time of the book’s 1997 publication, the third turning, an unraveling era, was roughly half over. While chronicling the turning up to that point, Strauss and Howe predict that the era would end around the middle of the 2000s. The common elements of unravelings were all present from the era’s 1984 start point: Broad measures of public trust in government and institutions sank to new lows despite Americans individually being awash in self-esteem; Americans cordoned off into selective niche groups; political discourse became tribal and cynical; and the gap between rich and poor skyrocketed. Strauss and Howe note that the niche group conflict came to be known as the Culture Wars, which they define as a “profound division over what kind of country we are, what kind of people we are, and what we mean by ‘The American Way of Life’” (202-03). Just as they did in the previous chapter, the authors also delve deep into popular culture in order to help explain the overall mood of the nation, pointing out that 1990s television and movies targeting Gen Xers reflected the attitudes of alienation that their generation had often been accused of.
At the end of Chapter 8, Strauss and Howe begin transitioning into the prophetic aspect of their work, predicting that as the fourth turning and new millennium approaches “[T]he Silent, approaching eighty, will be deeply anguished. Sixtyish Boomers will brood over their institutional powerlessness to impose a cleansing agenda. Broken into shards, 13ers will privately find ways of making small things work in disordered environments” (252-53). Later chapters expand further on these predictions, and the extent to which they have come true is debatable.
In Chapter 9, the authors step away from the structure of the previous three chapters in order to take a historical look at previous fourth turnings. The secondary theme of doom emerges strongly over the book’s final chapters, which compare fourth turnings to “what the ancients called ekpyrosis, nature’s fiery moment of death and discontinuity” and “a solstice of maximum darkness” (255). Before discussing each of the six fourth turnings in Anglo-American history, the authors provide readers with a morphology of crisis eras, describing each of the four events that constitute a crisis era. These include a startling event that produces a sudden shift in mood (a “catalyst”), a reenergizing and reunification of civic life (a “regeneracy”), a crucial moment that confirms the death of the old order and the birth of the new (a “climax”), and a triumphant or tragic conclusion that separates winners from losers and establishes the new order (a “resolution”) (256). In transitioning to the purely prophetic portion of their work, Strauss and Howe warn, “[A]nother crisis era is coming—and soon. With history as our guide, there is much that we can foresee about what may happen” (271).
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