68 pages • 2 hours read
The next day, Mirielle works at the shot clinic. At first, the process makes Mirielle queasy, but soon she becomes busy, and the morning passes quickly. After lunch, more patients line up for their shots, and there is some arguing as Jean cuts in line. Mirielle tries to protect Jean from the others’ jeering while Frank indicates he has been saving the place in line for Jean.
Before Mirielle notices, Jean steals a handful of cotton balls and throws them in the air. Sister Verena disapproves, but Frank tells Mirielle that Jean deserves some compassion. She has been at Carville for three years and none of her family has tried to contact her since her arrival.
The next day, Mirielle works in the pharmacy. As she surveys the room, she imagines herself discovering the cure for the disease. Instead, she fills trays of capsule molds with hot gelatin. Irene works alongside her, chatting and never burning herself on the hot liquid as Mirielle does. Mirielle learns of Irene’s history: She lost a husband to war, gave birth to a son, married again, and divorced, and was living with her son on a farm in Texas when the disease appeared.
Sister Beatrice then instructs them to fill the capsules with chaulmoogra oil, then top each with a bit of cocoa powder before sealing the capsules. Mirielle is confused, believing that she would be working on something important and experimental. There is medical importance to what they are doing, as Sister Beatrice believes the cocoa powder might help the chaulmoogra oil be less nauseating. Nevertheless, Mirielle does not understand how the work she is doing could lead to a cure. Irene encourages Mirielle to find some purpose for her time at Carville. Mirielle agrees that she would like to prove Charlie wrong in his assertion that she cannot “stick with” (77) anything.
The chapter ends with a letter from Mirielle to Charlie in which she conveys the great importance of the work she is doing at Carville.
Mirielle notices a new lesion on her neck. She thinks of the film Ben-Hur, uncertain whether or not she belongs among the infected patients. She goes to the infirmary and is scolded by Sister Verena for her tardiness.
Hector, the man from the train, arrives to have his lesions cleaned and dressings changed. Mirielle speaks sarcastically to him but then gently removes the old gauze from his legs. She complains that she did not expect to be doing such work and is eager to return home to her children. Suddenly, Hector speaks in English, telling Mirielle that he recognizes her as Charlie West’s wife. He enjoyed Charlie’s most recent film, and Mirielle confesses that she never saw it. She asks Hector to keep her identity secret, and he agrees.
Hector explains that his family’s farming business suffered as a result of the disease’s stigma, and so he fled. Mirielle assures him that once a cure is discovered, they will both return to their families. Hector indicates that he hopes he lives long enough.
Mirielle dreads heading back to the infirmary the next day. She considers skipping it but does not want to prove Sister Verena and Charlie right. She longs for the comforts of her home, including a cocktail and music. A Hollywood magazine catches her attention, and Mirielle read it though it is outdated. Jean, then, appears in the doorway so Mirielle invites her to listen to her read aloud. Each time Mirielle pauses, Jean wordlessly urges her to continue. Mirielle encounters a derogatory remark comparing an actress’s skin to leprosy and stops reading, insisting that it is time for bed.
After Jean leaves, Mirielle tears out the page with the offending word, wondering how long Charlie will be able to keep her condition a secret from their friends.
Three days pass, and the article sticks with Mirielle as she works alongside Irene in the pharmacy. They fill jars with ichthyol ointment, and its purple color stains Mirielle’s hands. Irene chastises her for being careless, and Mirielle laughs out of frustration. Irene points out a splotch of the ointment that has stained Mirielle’s face, and Mirielle puts some of the purple stuff on Irene’s uniform. A playful fight ensues as the women cover each other with purple marks. The commotion alerts Sister Verena, who orders them to clean up the mess and for Mirielle to see her in her office.
Once she is clean, Mirielle enters Sister Verena’s office, where Sister Verena tells her that she has “taken to [her] work in the hospital better than [Sister Verena] expected” (91). Still, she points to the ways Mirielle is uncaring and unsympathetic toward the other patients. Mirielle objects but is interrupted by Frank, who hands Sister Verena a package. Inside are Valentine’s Day candies with sayings etched on each one. Sister Verena takes one, then offers a candy to both Frank and Mirielle.
Frank asks Mirielle if she plans to attend the meeting of the “What Cheer Club” on Monday. Mirielle tells him she looks forward to it, aware of the positive impression it will make on Sister Verena. She assures Sister Verena that she will take her instructions to heart in her future work.
Mirielle attends the What Cheer Club meeting though she causes a disturbance by arriving late. She sits next to Irene, who is surprised that Mirielle has come. Their whispering angers some of the attendees, and this leads to a back and forth of insults and jeers between Mirielle and the others. However, Frank asserts control, requesting that everyone apologize. Mirielle confronts the group, acknowledging her aloofness and admitting that her newcomer status makes it difficult for her to fit in. The meeting continues with Frank describing the upcoming July Fourth celebration. Mirielle finds the planned events underwhelming and suggests music, children’s games, and fireworks. The group grows excited but stresses that funds are limited.
Frank assigns Mirielle the children’s games, but Mirielle suggests her husband can supply the fireworks instead. Frank compromises and consents to Charlie sending treats for the children’s treasure hunt.
Mirielle sleeps after the meeting, too rattled to leave her bed for supper. She thinks of her daughters and of Felix’s death, which was accidental: He drowned in a pool. When she awakens, it is only 8:00pm, and Irene has brought her food. Mirielle decides to write to Charlie to request the fireworks and children’s candy but is interrupted by Jean.
Jean holds out another edition of the gossip magazine, wanting Mirielle to read aloud. Mirielle protests that the content is inappropriate and that they will both face repercussions from Sister Verena. When Jean presses, Mirielle takes her to the building that serves as a library. Mirielle is unsure of whether Jean can read and write but selects The Secret Garden. Back at house 18, Mirielle reads aloud, then sends Jean to bed.
Mirielle resumes her letter to Charlie when Jean suddenly reappears, startling Mirielle. Jean speaks for the first time, startling Mirielle further. She tells Mirielle that she will never leave Carville because the best medicine is given to the patients whom the nurses like. Mirielle is confused, pointing out that everyone is given chaulmoogra oil, but Jean insists that the most effective medication is iodine.
Mirielle thinks about what Jean has said about iodine. Though Mirielle has never seen iodine given, she does feel that the nuns are deferential to the Catholic patients. When the pharmacy is empty, Mirielle sneaks in to look through the medications. She finds a bottle of iodine pills just as Sister Beatrice enters. Mirielle invents an excuse for her presence, pockets the bottle of pills, and leaves.
At the infirmary, Sister Verena admonishes Mirielle for arriving late again. As she works, Mirielle sneaks a glass of water and consumes two of the iodine pills. After lunch, Sister Verena says Mirielle must assist in the operating room and orders her to continue her work under Sister Loretta’s supervision. Mirielle’s housemate, Madge, who is hospitalized due to an infected nodule on her leg, repeatedly badgers her for assistance. Mirielle grows frustrated, chastising Madge for her sloppy appearance. Suddenly, Mirielle offers to cut Madge’s hair, and Madge consents. Mirielle shampoos Madge’s hair, then shapes it into a bob. Despite Madge’s protestations, Mirielle applies makeup too. When Mirielle is finished, Madge cries from joy, insisting that she looks like a film star. Soon, other patients beg Mirielle to cut and style their hair as well.
Mirielle’s activities are cut short when Sister Verena returns. She demands Mirielle tend to medical tasks only, but the patients protest, insisting Mirielle’s efforts have lifted their spirits. Reluctantly, Sister Verena agrees to allow Mirielle to cut the patients’ hair but forbids using any makeup.
As the days continue, Mirielle’s legs begin to itch. She attributes it to heat or mosquitos, but then painful boils appear. She naps one afternoon but then sleeps until the next morning when Irene wakes her. Though Mirielle suggests the boils are merely a reaction to the Carville soap, Irene brings Mirielle to the infirmary. Mirielle has a fever, and the boils are painful. Dr. Jack explains that several things could be the cause of the reaction. He assures her that the boils will go away, noting that “some leprologists […] prescribe iodine of potassium to induce a reaction” (120). With this, Mirielle knows that she has been tricked by Jean into believing iodine will help her condition.
Mirielle spends a week in the infirmary. She feels like a burden, hesitant to call the nurses or orderlies when she needs something. Irene and Frank visit, and Frank reminds Mirielle of the upcoming July Fourth celebration.
Mirielle is discharged; her boils healed after careful doses of arsenic. Her fever has diminished, but she is told she must rest and not work for an additional week. Determined to find Jean, Mirielle searches the grounds. She pauses at the picnic area where the few outside visitors gather with patients, typically on Sundays such as this one. Mirielle briefly pictures Charlie and her daughters though they have not come.
She finds Jean in a tree. After it becomes clear that Jean will not come down, Mirielle climbs the tree too. She sits beside Jean, asking her why she tricked Mirielle into taking the iodine. Jean finally admits that she does not want Mirielle to leave. Mirielle tries to explain her desire to return to her own children, but Jean’s feelings of abandonment are clear. Finally, Mirielle is able to cheer Jean with the promise of candy and games at the July Fourth celebration, threatening to reveal Jean’s antics to Sister Verena if Jean does not behave and attend school as she should.
Mirielle’s week off passes slowly, and she wonders how she would have managed to fill the time had she not worked. She expects a package from Charlie with the July Fourth items to arrive, so she goes to the canteen on her final afternoon off to wait for the mail. She orders a Coke from Frank and thinks of whether her friends in Los Angeles are wondering about her whereabouts. When the mail arrives, there is no letter or package from Charlie, but Mirielle spots a Hollywood gossip magazine. The cover headline reads “Wife of Charlie West Sent to Nut Farm” (131). Mirielle grabs the magazine and leaves.
The next day, Mirielle works at the dressing clinic, welcoming the work to take her mind off of the magazine. Hector arrives, and Mirielle is pleased to see that his lesions are healing. He senses that Mirielle is upset and asks her about her family. She speaks of her two daughters but says nothing of Felix. When Hector asks about Charlie, Mirielle reveals the contents of the magazine. Though it is untrue, Mirielle is certain it will damage Charlie’s career. Similarly, she knows she’ll be ostracized from their social circle. Hector consoles her, encouraging Mirielle to maintain hope.
Mirielle resolves to maintain hope, inspired by Hector, who has lost so much. She vows to repair any damages to Charlie’s reputation by acting as her “old self” (136) once she is home. She wishes she could discuss the matter with Charlie over the telephone, but only Dr. Ross has access to one. Instead, she begins a letter but is interrupted by Jean and Irene. They are selecting records, Irene having promised to teach Jean some dance steps for the July Fourth party. When Jean asks Mirielle to come along with them, Mirielle begs off, wanting to complete her letter, but eventually changes her mind.
Mirielle climbs to the top of the observation tower where Jean and Irene—along with Frank and some others—prepare to dance. Mirielle dances the male part of several dances with Jean. At one point, Frank invites her to dance, but Mirielle cannot bring herself to touch Frank’s hand and makes up an excuse. As the night continues, Mirielle is bothered that “vanity and fear [have] gotten the better of her” (142).
The chapter ends with a letter from Charlie stating that he has been cast in a new film. He adds a postscript indicating that he was confused by Mirielle’s request for fireworks, assuming it was a joke.
Mirielle is surprised by Charlie’s belief that the firework request was a joke. However, she is relieved that he did not mention the gossip magazine. Mirielle decides to see what she might purchase by way of treats at the canteen, but Frank explains that the shipment is late.
July 2 arrives, and Mirielle dreads the What Cheer Club meeting. When her turn comes to update the group, Mirielle admits that her husband has not sent any sweets or fireworks. The others seem unsurprised and tell Mirielle that they will work together to find some stand-ins. Frank asks whether Mirielle has acquired the bullfrogs for the race, and Mirielle admits that she has not, unaware that this was her responsibility. Frank promises they will catch some that night from the swamp.
This section shows Mirielle immersing herself in life at Carville, which emphasizes the novel's theme of Achieving a Purposeful Life. She is invested in finding a cure for mainly selfish reasons; not only does she want to be cured of the disease and leave the colony, but she also imagines herself on the cover of respected magazines, garnering praise both for her medical knowledge (which she does not actually possess) and her beauty and style. To this end, Mirielle intentionally gives Charlie the impression that she is doing important scientific work. Her pride and haughty attitude, however, must be put aside as the jobs keep her busy. Ironically, while Mirielle’s motivation to work is one of spite, not altruism, Sister Verena notes that she is unexpectedly skilled in it; her cleaning Hector’s wounds on the train and providing him with water foreshadowed this.
At first, Mirielle is viewed as aloof and an “other” by many of the residents, as evidenced in the What Cheer Club meeting. Gradually, Mirielle comes to care about the patients at Carville. Her hair cutting and styling in the infirmary buoy the patient’s spirits, and Mirielle feels proud that her skills are seen as worthwhile. In this way, Mirielle unconsciously works to diminish the stereotypes and stigmas surrounding those infected with the disease, returning to the women a degree of their former pride and humanity.
Similarly, friendships with Irene and Jean develop for Mirielle. Though Mirielle initially expresses annoyance over Irene’s talkative nature, their work and play in the pharmacy bonds them, breaking down some of Mirielle’s reserve and haughty exterior. Likewise, though Mirielle is initially furious at having been duped by Jean into taking the iodine pills, the incident leads to an intimate conversation, in which Mirielle learns of Jean’s fear of abandonment. A close connection develops between the two, as Mirielle will become a mother figure for Jean and Jean a stand-in for Mirielle’s daughters.
With time, Mirielle comes to take the commitments she makes to her peers at Carville more seriously. Mirielle feels guilt over not being able to deliver the promised items for the July Fourth celebration and saddened at the thought of disappointing those who are depending on her. Her efforts, however, are not regarded as a failure by the What Cheer Club, and this serves as a small triumph in their accepting Mirielle as one of their own.
While Mirielle still dreams of returning to her illustrious life, the story being told about her outside of Carville will make this impossible. Initially, Mirielle is annoyed that the magazines available at Carville are outdated. She finds a hint of this when she comes across a derogatory comment about an actress’s skin and recognizes that, were her Hollywood friends and acquaintances to know of her illness, they would certainly shun her. Throughout the novel, Mirielle will waver from feeling as if she belongs more amid her former circle to feeling more at home and accepted at Carville. Seeing the headline that she has been taken to a psychiatric facility shocks her into realizing that, although the news will hurt Charlie’s career, it will not be as harmful as the truth that she is being treated for leprosy.
Guilt over her son’s accidental death continues to plague Mirielle. Though she does not speak directly of the exact circumstances surrounding it, readers are gradually able to piece together that her son died by drowning. Mirielle’s inability to face what has happened is evident by not only the way she keeps his death a secret from the others at Carville, but in the way she can only bear to think of the event in bits and pieces. In some respects, her absence from her daughters seem to make the pain and sadness Mirielle experiences concerning Felix’s death even worse: Because she blames herself for Felix’s death, she is adamant that she must be present to love and nurture her girls. However, this belief is at odds with the reality of her relationship with her daughters, and the novel suggests that her guilt and, possibly, the fear of losing her daughters too keeps her emotionally distant from them.
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