
62 pages 2 hours read

The Voyage Out

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1915

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Chapters 12-16Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 12 Summary

Susan gets her family’s approval for her engagement to Arthur Venning. The guests of the hotel decide to throw a dance to celebrate the engagement. Rachel and Helen arrive at the dance together, with Rachel feeling diffident because Helen starts dancing with Hewet. Hirst invites Rachel to dance, but neither of them is a good dancer, and they dance so awkwardly together that they soon decide to stop. Hirst and Rachel take a seat to watch the dancing and talk. Their conversation is as awkward and halting as their dance, but Hirst is determined to try, mainly because Hewet has told him that he is no good with women and he wants to prove his friend wrong. He offers to lend Rachel some books by the historian Edward Gibbon, meanwhile claiming that she won’t understand them and letting her know that he intends the books as a test. While Hirst talks at Rachel about the literature he is certain she won’t understand, he can’t stop looking at Helen, whom he finds very beautiful. Offended by how Hirst spoke to her, Rachel goes out to the garden to cry. Hewet joins her and tries to explain that Hirst can be difficult, but whatever he said, he likely meant it as a compliment. He explains that Hirst has grown up in a privileged bubble of intellectualism that prevents him from knowing how to relate to other people. Rachel has a difficult time explaining what exactly made her upset, even to herself. Hewet takes Rachel back to the party for a dance.

Helen is busy dancing with partner after partner; not only is she beautiful, but she’s also an excellent dancer. Hirst finally gets her to take a break and chat with him. Hirst remarks that there aren’t even five people at the party worth having a conversation with. He says that Helen is the only woman he feels he can talk to. Helen listens to Hirst as he tells her the story of his life, but eventually she wants to go back to dancing. Helen checks in with Rachel, who is now enjoying the party. Rachel plays the piano for everyone, and Helen makes up a dance to go with Rachel’s music. They dance all night long.

In the early morning, Hewet and Hirst walk Helen and Rachel back to their villa. Hirst and Hewet return to the hotel in silence, both thinking of Helen and Rachel.

Chapter 13 Summary

Ridley Ambrose spends hours alone in his study, working on his poetry analysis. Rachel asks him to lend her Gibbon’s The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a book Hirst mocked her for not being able to understand. Ridley didn’t bring the series of thick volumes with him, so he suggests other philosophers and writers instead. Rachel borrows a book by Balzac from Ridley. Then, Rachel finds a note from Hirst with the delivery of the first volume of History of the Roman Empire. She goes for a long walk with her books and is mesmerized by the nature around her.

Rachel opens History of the Roman Empire, excited at how much she expects to learn from it, but she’s distracted by thoughts of Hewet and Hirst. She wonders what it’s like to be in love.

Chapter 14 Summary

The evening after the party, Hewet and Hirst are bored. Everyone else receives letters bringing news from home in England, and both men are irritated and glum at having received none themselves. Hirst compares the others, happily reading their letters from home, to animals feeding at a trough. He entertains himself by imagining, with contemptuous sarcasm, what the others are reading and thinking, paying particular attention to Arthur and Susan Venning. To Hewet, he says that he can’t imagine anything worse than having to go to bed with Susan and that he finds the female body abhorrent. Hewet goes for a walk alone so he can think without Hirst’s interference. Hewet can’t stop thinking about Rachel, which confuses him because he doesn’t find her physically attractive. Hirst decides to go to Helen’s villa. He overhears a conversation between Helen and Rachel, in which Helen is telling Rachel that other men courted her mother and wanted to marry her. Rachel has not heard a lot about her mother, who died when she was a child. Hewet walks away from the villa, tired but exhilarated, wondering if he’s in love with both Helen and Rachel. Back at the hotel, Evelyn asks for Hewet’s advice. She’s worried that she’s in love with two men at the same time. Hewet is slightly put off by Evelyn’s flirtations with two men at the same time, but he’s interested in the conversation. Hewet doesn’t believe that you can compare the qualities of people you like—you simply like them—but Evelyn is certain that she can name the reasons why she likes the people she likes. Evelyn feels bad because she can tell that Hewet doesn’t respect her. Hewet advises her to break things off with both the men, especially because she doesn’t intend to marry either of them. Hewet goes to bed, leaving Evelyn confused about why men can’t be honest and upfront.

Chapter 15 Summary

Helen and Ridley are at the stage in their marriage in which “they seem to become unconscious of each other’s bodily presence so that they move as if alone, speak aloud things which they do not expect to be answered, and in general seem to experience all the comfort of solitude without its loneliness” (231). Helen is concerned that she’s found a gray hair on her head. Ridley warns her about Hewet and Hirst’s attentions toward Rachel. Mrs. Thornbury visits Helen at her villa, accompanied by an Englishwoman named Mrs. Flushing. Helen, Ridley, Mrs. Thornbury, and Mrs. Flushing sit down for tea and chat about old age and Mrs. Flushing’s past life in Ireland. Rachel walks by with Gibbon’s The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, which she’s trying but struggling to read. Hewet and Hirst arrive. Hewet asks Rachel about The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and she tells him she doesn’t like it, speaking quietly for fear that Hirst—who gave her the book as a test of her intellectual capacities—will overhear. He does, and he immediately demands to know why she dislikes it. She tries to say something positive about the book, but Hirst compares her, vaguely but dismissively, to his “spinster aunt.” Mrs. Thornbury tells Hirst that she knows many fine people who have never heard of Gibbon—essentially calling him a snob—and he replies by saying angrily that all those fine people look down on learned people like him as frail, cold, and bloodless. They are anti-intellectual, he says, and he fears that Rachel is the same. Mrs. Thornbury and Mrs. Flushing leave, and Hirst complains of his rheumatism. Hewet proposes going for a walk. Rachel joins him, leaving Helen and Hirst alone together.

Helen wonders who Rachel might fall in love with, Hewet or Hirst. Helen likes that Hirst is intellectual, but he’s not physically attractive and is quite frail. Hirst tells Helen that he knows people don’t like him, even though he wants them too. He assumes that people don’t like him because of how he looks and that because Helen is beautiful, everyone must like her. Hirst asks for Helen’s advice about his future. She advises him to leave Cambridge and go to the bar so he can experience life in London. They go for a walk.

Chapter 16 Summary

While on a walk with Rachel, Hewet confesses that he’s homesick for England. He observes Rachel closely and realizes that, contrary to his former opinion, he is physically attracted to her. Rachel tells him that she’s still nervous around Hirst, which Hewet has noticed. He wonders aloud if it’s because women are too intimidated by men and will therefore need several decades before they’re confident enough to use their suffrage. Hewet asks Rachel about her life back in England. She tells him in great detail about playing piano and living with her aunts, which fascinates Hewet because women don’t usually tell him anything real about their lives. Rachel tells him that it’s lonely being a girl because no one cares about you unless you’re pretty. Hewet privately worries that Rachel doesn’t care for him the way he cares for her. Rachel asks Hewet about the novel he is writing. He worries that no one really cares about novels, but he loves to write. Rachel is impressed by the confidence with which Hewet tells her about his work. Rachel tells Hewet that she likes him and asks him if he likes her. He says that he does and asks her to call him by his first name, Terence.

Chapters 12-16 Analysis

Relationships deepen between Rachel, Helen, and the new group of English tourists. St. John Hirst has a particularly important influence in these chapters. Hirst doesn’t just have a hard time relating to women, he also is disliked by men. Hirst’s superiority complex is so extreme that he believes that few people, man or woman, are worthy of real conversation. This attitude is intimidating to Rachel, who has had so little contact with other people that she can recognize Hirst hurts her feelings, but she can’t name why. Rather than come to terms with Hirst’s personality and sexism, Rachel tries to keep up with him by reading the book he assigns to her explicitly as a test of her intellectual capabilities: Edward Gibbon’s imposing History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. But this is a futile effort because Hirst will never respect Rachel as an equal. On the other hand, Rachel and Hirst are equally socially awkward. In a sense, they are foils for one another, as Rachel’s sheltered life and narrow education—confined entirely to music—represents an Edwardian ideal for young women just as Hirst’s equally sheltered life and obsessively rigorous education represents an ideal for young men. In keeping with the conventional role of a literary foil, Hirst’s antagonistic relationship with Rachel ultimately spurs her process of Self-Discovery, leading her to develop a stronger sense of her own preferences in opposition to his authoritarian judgment.

The naïveté and social ineptitude of both Rachel and Hirst are balanced by the outgoingness and generosity of Hewet and Helen. Hirst is besotted by Helen because of her beauty and her capacity for conversation. Her positive, wise, and rational energy makes Hirst feel comfortable with her. He is convinced that she’s the only woman worthy of conversation with him. Helen recognizes Hirst’s attraction to her, which she finds flattering, but she is still wise enough to see Hirst as she sees Rachel—young, immature, and in need of more real-life experiences. Helen advises Hirst to pursue the bar exam and move to London so that he can get away from his bubble and learn more about the world around him, just as she advises Rachel to travel and read literature so she can be more exposed to the reality of the full human experience. Hewet, for his part, develops an intense attraction to Rachel, though at first he can’t explain why. Hewet has a more outgoing personality than Rachel does, and he is able to put words to thoughts and feelings that Rachel has but can’t express. As a novelist, he is sensitive to the internal workings of the human mind and spirit. He guides Rachel through conversations that she would not be able to have with anyone else, least of all with Hirst. He doesn’t judge Rachel for her immaturity, and he patiently converses with her about topics she’s only just learning about. He’s more accepting of Rachel than Hirst is, implying that Hewet would be a good romantic match for Rachel.

In these chapters, Woolf continuously alludes to The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, published starting in 1776 through 1789. In doing so, she satirizes not only the pomposity and sexism of a certain British intellectual tradition but also the system of Colonialism and the Concept of Civilization that tradition props up. Gibbon’s series of six thick volumes explores the entire history of Western culture, though it should be noted that Gibbon’s conception of “Western culture” is itself a product of European colonialism—a grand narrative intended to legitimate the European powers as the inheritors and guarantors of a great tradition stretching back to antiquity. This vision of history was still very much ascendant in Woolf’s England, though by the time The Voyage Out was published, the horror and destruction of the First World War had begun to shake its foundations. Gibbon’s text is a notoriously difficult one, thick with endless names and dates on which generations of English schoolboys had been ruthlessly quizzed. In Woolf’s time, it was required reading for the well-educated man. By associating it with the odious Hirst, Woolf satirically suggests that the book itself is as tedious and authoritarian in its worldview as he is. Rachel struggles to read the book not because she’s a woman but because she’s bored by it. Even so, she feels pressure to read it so she can be considered well-versed and knowledgeable. Woolf uses this book to satirize her characters’ intellectual pomposity. Woolf gently mocks characters like Hirst who mistakenly believe that reading about the history of Western civilization makes the reader a good, worthy, educated, smart person. In fact, this satire mirrors the early satirizing of the Dalloways. Just as Clarissa and Richard Dalloway believe in the superiority of the British Empire, Hirst’s attachment to The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire reveals that he is invested in the centrality of Western history as the most important world history. This is highlighted through the irony of being in South America and caring more about Western European history and life than in learning about South American history and life.

Woolf implies budding romantic relationships between Rachel and Hewet and suggests that Hirst is falling in love with Helen despite Helen being married and much older than him. Woolf has explored the topic of love in this novel since the beginning, when the Dalloways espoused the beauty of having love in their lives. In these chapters, Woolf continues the exploration of love through Evelyn’s internal conflict. Evelyn is a young, unmarried English woman who finds herself entangled in two separate potential love affairs. She is conflicted in love because she worries that she’s in love with two people at the same time. Through Evelyn, Woolf pushes against the accepted boundaries of romantic love, wondering whether it’s possible to be in love with two people at the same time. This question leads to more internal and external conflicts, as Evelyn questions the degree to which romantic love can be trusted as a foundation on which to build a life and she weighs the values that might allow her to choose one lover over another.

For Evelyn, love is partially about being able to identify what she loves about a person. For Hewet, whom she turns to for advice, love is a feeling that defies identification. Hewet believes that he is right and judges Evelyn for her conundrum, but the novel makes clear that it is possible to fall in love in different ways. The conversation with Evelyn about love exposes some of Hewet’s misogyny. He judges Evelyn for flirting too much with men and dismisses her real conflict as the whims of a loose woman. Evelyn is a direct communicator and calls Hewet out on being unfair to her, but he doesn’t care. Evelyn wanted a man’s perspective on her problem so she could better understand how the two men she’s in love with might feel. But Hewet doesn’t think Evelyn has a real problem beyond a female inability to understand relations between two people. Woolf highlights that in her society, there are double standards between men and women. Hewet is himself confused about being in love, but he doesn’t give Evelyn the same respect to believe that she might be going through something like him. Love becomes yet another battlefield between the sexes, highlighting how men and women think of love differently and how their perspectives of love are treated differently by their society.

Woolf also continues her exploration of intellectualism versus art in these chapters. Hirst and Hewet present opposite sides of this debate. Hirst is intellectually driven, while Hewet, a novelist, is interested in the power of art to move people and reflect the human experience. Hirst’s over-intellectualization of everything suggests that Woolf finds intellectualism purposeless unless it’s coupled with art. Hirst may know a lot of facts, but he has a difficult time expressing himself and connecting with other. Hirst’s entire world is intellectual, which makes him robotic. As a juxtaposition, Hewet, the novelist, can tap into deep connections with people because his art form gives him access to thinking about the human experience. Indeed, Woolf is herself a novelist and uses this novel to celebrate the novel as a natural extension of the human experience. After all, Rachel is moved by novels, not by a historical work of fact such as The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Hewet worries about his art form because he realizes that few people in his society value novels. Through Hewet, Woolf expresses her own concerns about how novels are received in society. Moreover, through Hewet, Woolf expresses her own admiration of the writing process and the ability of novels to connect human experiences across culture, time, and place.

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