61 pages • 2 hours read
The Van Dorns visit the Phillips’s house for dinner. It’s informal and they have pizza; mainly, it’s a chance for the two dads to discuss the science of Bobby’s invisibility. Mrs. Van Dorn seems tense, like she doesn’t want to be there, but everyone else is fairly okay. Alicia looks mildly embarrassed, and Bobby knows he and she are on the same page. Bobby is nicely dressed, but he shows no head or hands.
The dads retire to the front parlor, spread out their books and journals—Bobby notices his timeline and upstairs inventory sheets on the table—open notebooks, and start scribbling out equations and theories. Mrs. Van Dorn—Julia—discovers that she and Emily went to the same university and both majored in English literature, so she loosens up, and the two wives enjoy themselves. Bobby worries that, thus aligned, they’ll become well-meaning pests for him and Alicia.
Alicia and Bobby go to the study and open up the computer. She says that at home she’s getting good at using audio and braille-reader software to navigate and read online. Otherwise, her mom helps her. She feels guilty because her mom stopped working to focus on her. Alicia wants to become fully independent: “maybe I can stop feeling guilty about ruining her life” (148).
Bobby opens a browser and asks for a topic. Alicia says, “invisible people,” and they’re surprised to get 450,000 results. There are joke pages with framed pictures of no one, pages about unhoused people and other underrepresented groups, and pages about spies, computer privacy, UFOs, and Eastern religious beliefs.
They query “invisibility” and get 108,000 results, including scientists trying to make skin transparent so they can look at people’s guts without slicing them open. Also mentioned are spells, alien abduction, and ghosts. One essay, “Human Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility” (149), discusses cases of people who become invisible for short periods of time.
Bobby is skeptical of all of this—he calls it “hocus-pocus”—and wants solid evidence, not anecdotes. He realizes he’s talking like his father, but Alicia agrees with him.
David calls out, and everyone goes to the parlor. He says Leo looked at Bobby’s lists and picked out the boy’s electric blanket. He asks Emily and Mrs. Van Dorn to retrieve it and instructs Bobby to retrieve the oscilloscope from the basement. Bobby and Alicia head downstairs, but he stops her halfway because the basement is crowded with 20 years’ worth of science tools and devices.
He searches through dozens of computers, radios, game systems, phones, and TVs, and finds the scope hidden behind an old printer box. It’s heavy; Bobby hauls it upstairs, where the dads paw through the kitchen’s pile of old instruction manuals. Leo finds the one for the blanket, complete with a wiring diagram.
They move everything to the parlor. David’s university degrees include electrical engineering. As he removes the bottom plate from the blanket’s controller box, Leo explains that the flow of electrons through the blanket’s wires generates a magnetic field; if there’s a flaw in the wiring, it could have caused an unusual field that made Bobby invisible.
David touches two probes from the oscilloscope to the blanket’s wiring. He studies the scope’s green screen, moves the probes, and looks at the screen again, repeating this until he shouts, “Ha!” He’s found a resistor that lets too much power through. Leo suggests he check a related rheostat (an instrument that controls a current by adjusting resistance) that might be making the problem even worse.
Bobby wonders aloud if the other electric devices on his nightstand—phone, alarm clock—might be contributing to the problem. The dads, focused intently on the scope, schematic, and blanket controller, don’t respond. Bobby feels angry: They are ignoring the person who thought to investigate the things in his bedroom. Bobby calms himself and suggests to Alicia that they get some ice cream while they wait for the scientists to announce the answer. Alicia picks up on the sarcasm, grins, and agrees.
They go to the freezer. Still miffed, he asks curtly what flavor she wants. She tells him to start over, politely, and he calls her “Miss” and asks her in an elaborate way. She responds in kind, and Bobby’s snit ends; he’s simply glad to be with her. They sit in the living room and channel surf until she stops him at a broadcast of the original musical film The King and I.
She loves this movie—she’s seen it 20 times—and remembers each scene, character, costume, and gesture. For her, movies she’s already enjoyed are a pleasure to re-experience. New films, though, are less entertaining than a good book: Reading allows her to use her imagination to fill in all the details.
Alicia senses Bobby staring at her. He denies it, though he can’t take his eyes off her; she says she doesn’t mind if he does. He asks what she thinks he looks like, and she says she doesn’t know. What matters to her is that he’s smart, honest, and—most of the time, at least—a kind person. He asks what would have happened if she were sighted, he were visible, and they met by accident. She’d be popular, and the popular kids ignore him because he’s just average.
She counters that Bobby definitely isn’t average but seems to hold the popular kids in contempt. He says the cool kids look through him like he isn’t there. Alicia points out that his old attitude and his current condition are a match. Bobby tenses up, and they just sit as the movie plays.
Mrs. Van Dorn walks in and tells Alicia that it’s time to leave. Alicia asks if Leo and David got any results; her mom isn’t sure but insists that things will work out. Bobby doubts it; he thanks her anyway. After they leave, he and his parents clean up in the kitchen. Bobby asks his father for the results; his dad says, “we ran out of science. Sort of hit a theoretical dead end” (162). He compliments Bobby, though, on his idea to check all the equipment and items upstairs.
Bobby appreciates his dad’s honesty; it tells him that his father sees him as grown-up enough to hear bad news. When his mom tucks him in, she says what he really needs to hear: “I just know that everything’s going to be fine” (163).
Bobby misses his electric blanket. The quilt his mom gives him doesn’t warm him enough. He tosses and turns. In the morning, he wakes to a new idea: Lots of people bought the same blanket. If there’d been a product recall, there’d be a list of names of purchasers. Among them might be another invisible person.
Before she leaves for work, Emily tells Bobby that his dad stayed up late running more tests, then left early for the lab. Bobby jots down the product number of the blanket, then calls Sears customer service on his mom’s phone. He waits on hold through “a lot of bad music” (166), then gets a service representative who tells him that people with pacemakers are advised not to use the product, and that anyone who calls with an issue should get it exchanged. She offers repeatedly to arrange a pickup of his blanket but can’t give him any information about other people who have had problems with the product.
Bobby calls Alicia. She suggests he call the Sears legal department—her mom used to do this sort of thing all the time when she worked in corporate public relations—and pretend he’s a researcher who needs names and addresses. Bobby proposes instead that Alicia call them because she knows more about how to do that and would do a better job of fooling them. They bicker a moment, but she agrees to do it. Twenty minutes later, she calls him back and reports that the Sears legal department connected her to an Amber Carson who refused to tell her anything.
Bobby decides they should steal the information. He can sneak into the Sears offices—they’re out in the suburbs—and get information out of their computers, but he needs her to carry any printouts. He says she can tell her mom she’s going to the library, then the two of them will take a cab to the Sears offices. Alicia’s uneasy, but he talks her into it, and tells her to meet him in town shortly.
He grabs his roll of cash, strips, leaves a note for his mom, and heads out to meet Alicia.
Bobby sees Alicia walking toward him, but her mom follows quietly behind. He whispers to her about her mom, and she says she knows. They decide to go to the university library and wait it out. There, her mom sits outside for a while, looking like she’s thinking sad thoughts. Her expression reminds Bobby of his own mom’s occasional look of sadness. Eventually, Mrs. Van Dorn gets up and walks home.
Bobby and Alicia find a cab. As they ride, they talk quietly about what she’s to do when they get there. Bobby suggests she ask for a job application, which will make her look legitimate: “Companies love it when… um… people like you apply for jobs” (176). Alicia, irate, tells him to call it what it is, a “disability.” He calms her—the driver watches while she apparently scolds nobody—and they figure out the minor details of their upcoming caper.
Bobby gazes out the window at the cars and buildings and airplanes, and he feels bored. He glances at Alicia, who’s alert, all her senses awake to every motion of the car and the sounds and smells through the window. He realizes she’s getting more out of the ride than he is.
The Sears offices are spread out like a college campus. At the main building, Alicia meets a staffer from the personnel department who understands disability issues; they walk off to talk. Bobby, meanwhile, has scanned the office directory and knows which building houses the computers he needs to search. He heads across campus in that direction.
Bobby enters the building by walking in behind someone with a card key. He finds Amber Carson’s office. Her computer is still open. He searches “Recent Documents” and finds a database with information on his blanket. Over 9,000 were sold, and some had bad resistors in their circuitry. There were a few hundred complaints, but fewer than half traded in for new blankets. One customer complained of a problem with his pacemaker, but he didn’t sue.
Bobby prints out the information about the people who complained. He folds the pages tightly and sticks them in his armpit, holds his arm firmly against his body to hide them, and heads back to Alicia. He finds her in the personnel building having a meeting with three other people, including a woman employee who’s blind. Bobby’s impressed at how Alicia has turned her visit into an opportunity. He waits until she’s at the rendezvous point, taps her cane, and she arranges for a taxi.
They wait outside on a bench. He puts the printout in her backpack. The cab picks them up; on the way home, she seems happy not to have to talk. Bobby feels cast adrift: “I feel like something has ended. Or maybe begun. Or maybe both” (187).
At home, Bobby goes through his stolen customer list and makes calls. The first 58 reach husbands or wives who don’t even know that their spouses bought an electric blanket, elderly people who just want to talk, people who hang up, kids who don’t know when their parents will be back, and several answering machines. A handful remember the blankets but have no strange events to report.
The 59th call reaches a man in Denver who says his daughter, Sheila, used the blanket and one day disappeared. She contacted them later for some cash, and she also sent an email wishing them a Merry Christmas and apologizing for leaving them, saying, “I think it was the best thing for all of us” (192). The man gives Bobby her email address: “eilash@glowz.net.” The “eilash” is clearly “Sheila” shifted around. Bobby uses the downstairs computer to do a reverse lookup on Sheila’s email and gets a Miami street address, phone number, and a last name: Borden.
It’s late, so he calls Alicia but gets her mom, who wants to know if he went somewhere with Alicia today. He says he saw her at the library. She asks if he knows more; Bobby replies, “I don’t think it’s my place to get between one of my friends and her parents” (195). It works, and she calls for Alicia.
Bobby tells Alicia about the new lead. She asks why he doesn’t simply call Sheila. He says he wants her advice, but Alicia says he already knows what to say. He admits that he was troubled by Alicia’s silence in the taxi on the way home. She says it was a very encouraging meeting, yet it made her feel alone.
Bobby says maybe the real payoff of their trip is her good encounter with the Sears personnel department. He wonders silently if she’s using “her real eyes” that can see right into him (198), and if she knows how he feels about her.
They thank each other for the day and hang up. Lying in bed, Bobby thinks, not about call #59, which got him Sheila Borden’s contact info, but about call #60—the call to Alicia.
Bobby dreams that Alicia is tied to a chair, beams of green light erupting from her eyes while a man named Hoffman turns dials on a machine and, behind him, Bobby’s mom and dad are trapped in jail cells.
Downstairs, his mom talks again with Ms. Pagett, who reports that the authorities in Florida can’t find Aunt Ethel or Bobby. Emily says they probably went to Orlando. Ms. Pagett again threatens her with legal consequences; Emily reminds her about being innocent until proven guilty and shuts the door on her.
Bobby calls Sheila Borden. She answers, and he says he spoke to her father. He asks what happened to her when she became “gone.” She becomes irate and hangs up. He calls back and confesses to the answering machine that he became invisible, and she picks up again. Sheila says, “You can’t just call someone up and say, ‘I turned invisible one day,’ can you?” (205).
He tells her about his electric blanket theory and all the people who complained, and Sheila says they should sue and make millions. She says she suddenly became invisible three years earlier but couldn’t bring herself to tell her parents. Instead, she stole $4,000 from their account and set herself up in Florida, where the warmth makes it much easier to walk around naked.
Otherwise, she dresses like a Muslim woman in a full veil. Internet deliveries help, and she makes money online designing websites. For friends, she has two women she trusts. If her health ever deteriorates, she’ll find a “rich woman doctor” (208), make her sign a confidentiality agreement, and reveal her situation. She wants Bobby to tell no one, but he admits he’s already told Alicia. He assures Sheila that Alicia can be trusted.
Bobby now knows there’s another like him, and it involves an electric blanket. It’s not much, though.
Via instant messaging, Alicia wants all the details. She also wants Bobby to tell his dad, but Bobby needs to keep his promise. She says he can give details that don’t reveal Sheila’s identity. Bobby calls his dad, who wants to know everything, but Bobby insists on protecting the woman’s privacy. His dad finally relents, and he compliments Bobby on the discovery: “This is first-class work, son” (216). To Bobby, that means a lot.
Leo takes the few hints they’ve got so far and plugs them into a program that uses supercomputers to run a relational database analysis of masses of scientific data. He interrupts the Phillips’s dinner with the results: A solar storm struck the planet on the days when both Bobby and the second person (Sheila) turned invisible. The excess energy, combined with the electric blankets’ overactive magnetic fields, created invisible people.
Emily wants to know how to reverse the invisibility. David and Leo look at each other and say it might take a week or more. Bobby says they’re lying, that this is something that requires months or years of research, and that they should simply fess up to the authorities so David and Emily don’t end up in prison.
David says they can’t: This knowledge could lead to invisible soldiers and criminals, and Bobby’s life would be ruined. David and Emily have decided to change their story: Bobby ran away, and they want him to have a chance to return without causing blemishes on his school record.
Bobby is angry. He excuses himself and goes upstairs. Once again, his parents have made decisions about him without consulting him. Once again, he’s at home, “And [he’s] alone” (221).
Bobby wakes up from an accidental four-hour nap. It’s close to midnight. He goes downstairs, fires up the computer, and searches for information on solar storms. He discovers that they’re in the midst of a major one that’s “100,000 times greater than normal” (224). The same solar event that turned him invisible is still ongoing.
He messages Alicia; she’s still up. He worries that the cure for invisibility will take forever. He also tells her about the solar event overhead. They banter, he says something sarcastic, and she snarks back at him. He chides her for answering his taunt with a taunt: “two wrongs don’t make a right” (227). This gets her thinking about multiplying double-negatives in math to get a positive number, and idly she wonders if using the blanket a second time might reverse his condition. He likes the idea—things can’t get worse than they already are—and tells her he’ll call in the morning.
He retrieves the blanket from the parlor and sets it up just like it used to be in his room. He switches it on and enjoys the warmth but worries that the conditions probably aren’t exactly the same as they were originally. He turns on his side, thinks about Alicia, and falls asleep.
At 4:30 in the morning, Bobby wakes to loud voices. One of them is his mom’s, filled with protest; another is Ms. Pagett’s. He jumps out of bed, pulls off his underwear, and stands to one side. The bedroom door opens; a police officer enters, puts his hand on the bed—it’s warm—then turns, looks toward Bobby, and asks who he is.
Bobby realizes he’s visible again. Grinning, he gives his name. Emily thinks fast and explains that Bobby got home late from Florida. Ms. Pagett wants to know why she wasn’t informed, and Emily reprimands her for assuming that she must be kept constantly in the loop.
Ms. Pagett and the officer leave, and Bobby and his parents hug and talk. Bobby explains Alicia’s idea and his re-use of the blanket; David scolds him for doing something so dangerous, but also seems proud of Bobby’s boldness. Emily keeps touching her son, pushing his now-long hair from his face and staring at him with a goofy expression.
Finally, he goes back to bed—without the electric blanket. He can’t sleep, though: He has things to do in the morning.
Bobby spends an entire five minutes looking at himself in the mirror, relearning what he looks like. Emily looks for any excuse to stay home and keep staring at him: “She wants to be the new, improved Mom. Which is actually quite nice” (237).
He calls Sheila and gives her the news, but she tells him she’s happy with her new life. She felt herself disappearing long ago: “Booze or drugs maybe, maybe three more bad boyfriends—” (238). This way is better. She asks him to never call again and hangs up. Bobby understands her: He’s felt the same way, and he realizes there are advantages to being invisible.
He walks to Alicia’s and rings the bell. Mrs. Van Dorn answers and doesn’t recognize him until he gives his name. She’s delighted to meet him anew and invites him in. Alicia comes downstairs, and Bobby tells her the news. She checks him: He’s wearing clothes. Then she puts her hands on his face and feels all its details. She takes his hand and pulls him to the living room, where he updates her on the past several hours.
He takes her hand: Her nails are chewed down. He mentions it, and she gets angry, stalks upstairs, and slams her bedroom door. Mrs. Van Dorn comes in, tells Bobby that Alicia tends to get angry a lot, and asks him to call her later.
He goes home, messages Alicia—no response—then puts the blanket and all the research papers in a box that he takes to the post office. He writes a quick note: “Sheila— I wanted you to have this stuff, just in case. Bobby” (248). He places it inside the box, gets the box taped up, and mails it to Sheila.
At home, he finds a message from Alicia. It’s a long letter. She’s sure he doesn’t need her anymore: “you are going on. going away from me. off into the big bright world. a whole life thats not near mine. hurts” (250).
Tears fill Bobby’s eyes. He prints out the letter, pockets it, and heads out the door, on his way to Alicia’s. He wants to tell her how much she means to him. “And I need to be there to see her face when I tell her” (251).
The final chapters follow Bobby, Alicia, and their families as they try to figure out how to save Bobby from his invisibility before the government intervenes and tears Bobby’s family apart.
At 20 pages, Chapter 18 is one of the longest chapters, and a great deal happens within it. The two families get to know and like each other; the two dads discover a possible cause for Bobby’s invisibility; Alicia describes her relationship with films and books; and she and Bobby discuss whether they’d still like each other if he were visible and she weren’t blind.
Alicia discusses her changed relationship to films. She prefers movies she’s seen because she can remember what the characters and scenes look like. As for new films, “It’s like a radio play with music that’s too loud” (158). In recent decades, movie soundtracks have gotten louder. Music strongly influences a story’s mood, and it guides the audience’s reactions. Alicia’s comment serves as a sly editorial from the author about the volume level of modern motion pictures, which sometimes drown out dialog in an attempt to create mood. This suggests that sometimes it takes a person who’s blind to point out the sonic absurdities of the modern world.
Books, on the other hand, let a reader’s imagination soar as they populate the story with their own pictures of what’s happening. In that sense, books permit anyone, sighted or not, to exercise their creative minds and build worlds that only they can inhabit.
The “things not seen” in the book’s title refer not only to Bobby’s invisible body, but also to Alicia’s blindness and the mystery of the electric blanket. Each challenges the story’s characters to expand their inner vision to encompass knowledge that at first appears unavailable.
Invisibility also implies transparency, and this inspires in Bobby the desire to be more open with others. His need to be understood, coupled with his invisibility, forces him to reach out more and to express his wants more clearly. This improves his relationship with his parents; it also benefits his friendship with Alicia. Their connection grows partly because he’s willing to speak his truth to her and to listen to hers. Alicia’s blindness pushes her to do the same. Both kids learn, largely through talking together, that they can express themselves and be heard, respected, and cared about.
Alicia becomes so important to Bobby that he suffers pangs of jealousy when she receives a lot of attention from staff members at the Sears offices. He isn’t alone in this, though. Alicia, on learning about the invisible Sheila Borden and Bobby’s call to her, texts to him that he’ll probably need more information from her in the future: “u might have to call your girlfriend back and talk real nice to her. all kissy kissy” (213). Alicia hides her deeper feelings behind banter: She’s afraid Bobby will leave when he finds someone more useful to him, and when he becomes visible again, she’s certain he’ll reject her. This self-doubt causes her to vastly underestimate the hold she has on Bobby’s heart.
At first, no one knows how Bobby became invisible. His methodical listing of all the items in his bedroom and bathroom, plus his search for others who may also have become invisible, leads Leo and David to the electric blanket’s connection to a solar storm, which ends with Alicia’s idea about using the blanket again to undo Bobby’s invisibility. This search for the cause and cure to Bobby’s invisibility showcases the theme of Noticing What Goes Unseen. Bobby’s deliberate search for clues helps him focus on things that everyone else overlooked. Without his careful observations, Bobby would not have tracked down Sheila Borden, who also turned invisible after using the blanket. Likewise, without Alicia’s suggestion—one that no one else had thought of—Bobby would not have become visible again. Sometimes what people need isn’t invisible, but they can’t see it unless they open their minds.
All of the characters bring their own strengths as they work together to cure Bobby’s invisibility. Bobby’s return to visibility would not have been possible without the efforts of every single person in the group. Bobby’s careful searches and observations; Alicia’s ideas and her assistance; Emily’s efforts to stall Ms. Pagett and the police; Mrs. Van Dorn’s acceptance of Bobby’s friendship with Alicia; and Leo and David’s scientific backgrounds and analytical thinking all factor into solving the puzzle and restoring Bobby to his usual state.
When Alicia learns that Bobby is visible again, she suddenly wants to touch him, and she feels his face to learn its contours. She could have done this any time before, but his visibility to the world inspires her to know what everyone else can see. Her sudden fear that he’ll abandon her causes her to try to push him away. Instead, Bobby grows certain that he loves her and wants her in his life. As the story ends, he’s on his way to her house to tell her.
Alicia and Bobby continue their journey together in the next two books of the series, Things Hoped For, and Things That Are.
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By Andrew Clements